me late at nite thinkin no law on road...

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New Member
hey all,

On a late trip home sunday nite, actually half 4 mon morning and come off ************************************.

Text removed to protect the guilty and our good name, lol. Please think about what your boasting about in future.


i personally would be cakkin me pants mate :shock:
they got some hi-tech vid stuff them rozzas and i'd be carefull what you write on here cos they monitor these sites :oops:
people have been prosecuted for writing less....

mad max

me late at nite thinkin no law on road

in the wet at that speed well i better sell my r and throw away the 10k i have wasited on it still i speak the truth mad max

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
:roll: and then after that you boast about it on a public board where believe it or not 'anyone' can read...real...REAL clever :roll: i hope this was just a dream for your part.


And to top it off you said you were tired and speeding to keep awake!!!

Most peeps like to be wide awake when doing 150mph in the wet and dark.


New Member

I'm not boasting jus said anyone that had similar experience would know what i was talking about..

An as we all know these cars are capable of stupid speeds easily. the wet doesn't really matter when on a straight dualer. wasn't lashing by any means just a drizzle.

And also anyone who drives late at night should know that when you get tired its actually easier (and safer imo! :? ) to drive faster as it keeps the senses alert.. when cruising at normal speeds senses pay less attention and more likely to dose off.
Yes maybe i shouldn't hav been drivin at that hour if not wide awake - for the goodie 2 shoes.

As for the people watching this - well for all they know I cud be lying (as som of u think) and cops hav to prove things.

Ye need to take things a bit lighter - everyone on here knows what R's can do so no question there, jus cause i had to push it in medium/bad conditions doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Less of the slating jus cause ye hav different opinion. What i posted wasn't false in any way and i think its weird ye think it was. :roll:



I did not see what was written orginally...but i get the gist of it, and your not right when you say its ok to speed in the rain when driving in a straight line!

Not preaching or taking the high ground-but watch this video and you will see how easy it is to lose control in heavy rain/soaked roads situation.

Don't worry its not gory-its also on track so no danger to :wink:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
bex said:
aquaplaning! yey! :lol:
at ***mph that would be veeery interesting................for about 2 seconds :shock:

like Kev said 'real' men do it blindfolded dude :wink: i aint a goody two shoes by any stretch of the imagination and like most people have done some fucking dumbassed things before :oops: maybe its because im getting old. maybe its because iv been in h+s for the last two years and its finally sinking in :shock: i dunno :roll: but reading your post kinda pi55ed me off. i HOPED it was false but only because you make the rest of us look bad and there was no way i was gonna applaude your actions in any way :roll: plus i hate seeing pics of smashed up R' s :( that always pi55es me off :cry:



New Member
Ill take it, i look after my R, heck i even take it easy on the drag strip so it doesnt get to hard a work out.

On a serious note, if i were you i would sell the car and get a Saxo :wink:


New Member
gtirneil said:
Ill take it, i look after my R, heck i even take it easy on the drag strip so it doesnt get to hard a work out.

On a serious note, if i were you i would sell the car and get a Saxo :wink:
Neil's got the right idea. Drive stupid in a car that deserves to be written off. Clio's are good for this also.

Hey Bobby, what's the french for va va voom?
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