massive cut out


New Member
hi guys,

been having this problem with my R for a few weeks now. can be driving slow, fast, up or down hill and my R just totally cuts out. can be in any gear at any speed!

The ignition lights dont come on, it just feels like either the ignition has been turned off or totally run out of fuel.

sometimes i have to stop and the car usually fires up straight away, or sometimes the power comes back as the car coasts to a halt.

Havent got a clue where to start looking:cry: any ideas anyone.... should i take it in for a diagnostic check??
as i darent set off to silverstone with it like this.




It's not the alarm is it, mine cut out on the way to work the other day, I was seriously worried but it turned out to be the alarm, it had activated itself while I was driving and just stopped the car dead.


New Member
dont think it is the allarm, but ill take a look and see if i can isolate it for a while. but the othewr day it just gradually died at some traffic lights too!

took 3 turns to get it started, feels like a bad earth of fuel supply maybe.. one it starts up or the power kicks in, it pulls fine and may not do it again for half a hour or so or somtimes it will do it 5 or 6 times in a mile. grrrrrrrr.


New Member
nope the lights stay on etc, and the hazzards work etc...........its just the engine that cuts out. I would have thought that the car would have bumped started when im doing 50 or 70 but nothing. even if i floor the pedal and leave it in gear at 70.... nothing. but then when it feels like it, it will fire up again on all four.

could it be an intermittant fuel pump connection or something like that as i have also suffered from fuel surge probs when cornering quickly and the way the car cuts out under surge and when low on fuel feels similar




New Member
Fusion Ed,

Im no auto electrician or mechanic. is it easy enought to be the fault code readout? is there anything i could damage or do i need any special tools etc?

cheers fella



New Member
does anyone have any pics of the fault check taking place and what type of codes are there?? sorry to be a bit think on this....




Staff member
Go to the top of this page.
Click on <Problem Solving>
It's the very first sticky.


New Member
guys................. well my R is still cutting out intermitantly.;(( sometimes when all power and drive has gone and the car is slowing to a hault, suddenly power is restored and the car pulls away strongly!!!! was wondering if this could indicate something like an ignition type of fault?? its not just a plug or 2 thats down, it feels like the main power connection from coil or ignition is loose or something??

Any ideas guys.



Fast Guy

Staff member
Dodgy wire somewhere? I had a similar fault on my montego, both wires to the crank sensor plug were broken and just making contact, every so often they'd break contact and cut the car completely. It took me years to find it as it was so intermittant.


New Member
When the car cuts out no lights come on until im at a standstill, then the car can be restarted either firts turn or occasionally after 3 turns:? can occur if im full tilt or just throttled off??

I was worried it might be a fuel pump problem? - would this have a similar effect of a total cut out?




Active Member
In all fairness mate, aside from taking it to a professional, the only thing you can do is take each of the suggestions so far and investigate every wire associated and check them one by one.