

I currently have a dp motorsport manifold.

I had a msv tial 38mm Ex wastegate, I want to go bigger like 50/60mm

turbo i have is aet 35/40, looking to run over 500+

My question is will the dp manifold be enough? I was thinking of maybe buying a protech? which has the bigger internal diameter.




Staff member
It might be worth talking to a builder to get something made specifically for your requirements. - My logic is just that protech is a "log" manifold isn't it? So maybe to get the most from your turbo set-up an equal-length tubular manifold would allow you to put the turbo/wastegate/etc where you want them, and make sure everything fits nicely.

Having said that; don't you want the maximum pressure before the turbo and the minimum pressure after the turbo to give the best performance? - I'm sure there's a balancing act between impeding the flow and maximising the pressure across the turbine.

The Doc

Staff member
Dp manifold will be fine for over 500, waste gate might cause boost creep but then just get a new pipe welded on for a larger wastegate.....your turbo is more like a 600hp size so you might find it a wee bit laggy but you should make power. Danny fennel is running a gt35 and has made 560+ on the same manifold.