Low BHP Figure?


New Member
I had my car set up at Powerstation to 1bar at RR day but it only produced 247.5 bhp! :cry: I was expecting in the region of 260s :? I have a top mount intercooler, Bleed Valve, Bailey dumpvalve, Blitz SUS Power Filter,
NGK Platinum Plugs and a Mongoose DECAT Exhaust. :? They said it could be the intermitant speedo sending a wrong signal to the ecu and then giving me a low figure. :oops: does this make sense? could it be a crap ECU or the dump valve letting to much pressure out? :? I dont think its the clutch either cuz I havent felt it slip. Any help would be great,


Kris. :cry:moved to tuning-skiddusmarkus


I wouldn't worry too much mate, PS are renowned for having a stingy roller :wink: Do you know if they checked your ignition timing? May be worth getting someone with a light to have a look for you...


New Member
I dont think they checked the timing so could try that! :) Its just that the other cars on the day were producing more power than me on just as many mods :oops: Just wondered really why? :?



New Member
I dont think Ps's rollers are THAT conservayive m8, youve deffo got a problem :cry:
Do a fault code check on it, i'd put my money on the det sensor, or timing (same thing really) :wink:


New Member
OK tried the fault check again after clearing the codes and it came up with 55 :D :D :D I must have had an old code still on there that wasnt cleared! :oops: But after I have had a run around in it again I will check it again just to make sure. :wink:


New Member
Det sensors are usually an intermittant fault, so it will be clear when you reset it, saying that, if it is intermitant, the car should sometimes feel quicker than others :?:
Did PS not check anything when you had the "rolling road setup"?, how much did you pay for it? :roll:


New Member
Tried testing it today and it came up 34 again, tried it a second time and came up 55 and a third time 55? :shock: :? no I dont think Powerstation did check anything like that! and I paid £70 + £136 for an uprated fuel pump and fuel filter:( But I havent really noticed any difference in power when driving :? Why doesnt the engine management light come on automaticaly when there is a problem? :?



dunno why the engine light doesn't come on automatically

When you do the check the first time it shows you the fault. If you try it again, it will show 55 as you have reset it. When you drive around again, the ecu will spot the fault and show 3,4 or what ever code again. I hope that makes sense :)

3,4 means det sensor is ruined or it's circuit.


New Member
ECU light doesnt come on with a det sensor fault (or any fault that ive seen :? ). I thought you had to reset the ecu somehow (ie dissconnect battery), or does it automatically reset when you do the test?
There's a sticky about fault codes somewhere (think memski did it) :wink:


Active Member
To clear the faults you need to first check the faults then bridge the pins again for a few seconds when they are cleared the light will come on and stay on insted of flashing :wink:
If you paid for a rolling road tune then they should have adjusted the timing not just checked it :roll: the car should have been on the rollers and they should have been increasing the advance to get to the best power level hence a tune to get the best from the engine not just a glorified power run that alot of tuners seem to do :roll:
The timing is the only thing that can be adjusted on a R with no fuel controllers etc so if they haven't adjusted the timing they haven't tuned it :evil:


it seems rr tuning an r is going to be a pig, i have heard a lot of good things about dp but the problem is their are no roller's :cry:

anybody had good results with well lane and apexi's??? my mate called them and they did not seem intrested,they are my closest 4wd place, jeff