Lovin the pulsar



:-D Im lovin my pulsar! I must say im a sensible driver and with the current situations in the middle east causing the fuel prices to go up, i can't afford not to be. But on the way home from work last night i had a skyline up my ass, reving, droping back then gettin on my bumper again. pissin me off. came to a large round about, driving nice n slowly and he starts flashing me! came off the round about and booted it down a dual carrige way. I could see him in the rear view falling behind and considering he was in my slip stream, i thought he'd of put up a better fight! that'll teach him :thumbsup:


New Member
Take it the skyline was a standard gts and yours is modded then??

We talking an R32 or R33 here? More details required!

Mine was running bout 275bhp and went up against mates R33 GTs running about 285bhp.. was close till I started to pull a bit in 3rd... and i had a bit on the start too.

But still, I like these motors and they are quick indeed... a nice 500cc advantage over us but slight weight issue..

Good kill all the same.

All you need now is a flamer kit... yes the mongoose shoots flames but not quite at will .
So a flamer kit will teach them boyo's to get close to your rear bumper! :) :)
Hav one myself but haven't fitted yet.. not supposed ot be the easiest...


it was an R33 GTS mate. maybe it was a poorly one? as far as im aware my pulsar is standard, barr wheels, exhaust n dump valve. I thourght he'd whoop me but i gave it a go and whaaanheyy, c ya. Also showed up a Clio 3.0 V6 the other day. Pulsars are great considering value for money 8)


Active Member
It's all down to weight bud. The Skyline would weigh in at at least 1450 kgs even in rwd GTS form with the GTR's weighing closer to 1600 kgs (1570kgs for the R33 iirc ?!). To make a Skyline really move, you'd need upward of 400 bhp then, you'd still probably keep with it in a 300 bhp Pulsar up to around 100 bananas an hour, as the Skyline would be geared more towards cruising than the lower geared GTiR !
You'll be surprised what you can keep up with in a lightly modded GTiR ! ;o)


good kill.... but if that was a r32 gtst with that power how do you think you would of done??????

only asking as i have a r32 with that sort of power???

personally i think the 4wd of it all would kill me but top end wouldnt a skyline anilhate a R ???


New Member
i have own R32 GTST RB26DETT RWD which product 380bhp power
i have GTiR rite now
not sure the bhp since not yet send to dyno
but it have GT2540, and HKS piston and 550cc injector

overall.. The R seen quicker and faster
even racing to top end.. never try before
but the skyline is heavier but you can feel the solid of the car
like driving a Bimmer

the GTiR..
since my GTiR is spot welding before so it feel hard and rigid abit
so it not so comfortable for super long distance driving
but on track and city driving.. superb