Loud noise


New Member
Hiya all im new to the site, owned my pulsar for not even a week!! Right basically as im driving im getting a constant noise(gets louder as speed goes up) that sounds like a wheel bearing but alot worse!! It also sounds like a propellar!! Im not clued up on engines that well, but when it comes to this engine i wouldnt know where to start!! Cheerz for help in advance!! Tommy:thumbsup:

Fast Guy

Staff member
Do you have a rough idea where the noise is coming from? (engine/transmission/suspension etc)
Does it do it when stationary or only when driving?
When cornering one way or the other?


New Member
is the noice only ther when u hav foot on throtle & when u realese it does it go away ,or if u are driving in gear then put it into newtral does it go away


New Member
if the noise is still there when you press the clutch in its more likely to be something like a wheel bearing..

if the noise goes away when you press the clutch in its probably something like the gearbox..


sounds like wheel bearing to me, i changed my drivers side cause it had play in it, but turned out was passenger side that was making the noise, sounded like propellor noise too and got louder the faster i went.


New Member
Hi mate if the noise your hearing dissapears when you put your foot on the clutch it is the clutch release bearing, I wouldn't worry too much about it as it will be ok until you need a new clutch.
