loss of power whie cornering


hello does any one have any ideas while cornering fast i keep losing power as soon as i straighten up it back fires and runs fine again:? any ideas ??????????


New Member
how full is the petrol tank when doing it? think ive seen threads like this before and the problems something called fuel surge! but thats all i know if im right!!!


Staff member
It's not so bad - do you have an up-rated pump?
Try dropping it down a little lower so that the pick-up is right at the bottom of the tank.

It only gets expensive if you want to put a swirl pot in.


New Member
if your not up to the job get a someone else to do it. my bloke charged me £40 to fit the walboro so should be about the same for you. get the walboro fitted and it may solve your problem
I had the same problem with mine as did my friend with his. We both have walbro pumps. The problem he had was that the filter bag that comes with the walbro pump is shorter than the original, so when his tank got low it did'nt pick up as good, so when going around corners he had the same problem as you. When i fitted my new pump i put the original filter back on and never had the problem that you did until a few months down the line. When i investigated i found that i had not put on the securing washer that holds the filter bag to the pump and it had come off inside the tank causing me the same problem.