Looking for some stuff


New Member
i'm looking to find some prices on a:
GT3071 Turbo
Mines ECU
Walbro Fuel Pump 255 lph
Electronic Boost Controller
Turbo Elbow For GT3071 Turbo
I'm not being lazy
just looking to see what everyone has cause i cant get any of this in canada just looking for some help
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New Member
Hmmm... if it's new prices for the above then you can do a search on google as they fluxtuate all the time.
If it's second hand prices then have a wee look on the parts for sale section.
Rough guestimation:

GT3071 Turbo: 1000 pounds
Mines ECU : 150 to 800 pounds (second hand only)
Walbro Fuel Pump 255 lph: 75 pounds
Electronic Boost Controller: 100 - 300 pounds depending on brand
Turbo Elbow For GT3071 Turbo: 100 - 150 pounds


New Member
try a search mate or just look through the forums FFS.
Its not hard just dont expect it to be handed to you on a plate!