looking after a big power gtir



hey all,

so i've got my car working today. all setup and running like a rocket ship on 4 wheels.

i've got a total rebuild and its running 1.5bar boost (as setup by the tuners today) so what sort of things do i need to do to make sure my car stays as wonderful as it is now?

thanks and sorry for the very noob question. when i bought the car i had no idea it had, had an engine rebuild etc. it sooo damn quick!



Active Member
:shock: :shock: :shock:
stay on the road

And welcome aboard :lol:

Good here eh! :lol:

What have you had before? A 1.5bar R is a bit of a beast and driving it fast particularly on bendy bits will take a bit of getting used to.......

No idea what you're used to so general advice for high power AWD..... to start with at least take your corners slower in and get on the gas through the apex and out. AWD diffs do funny things if you lift off the gas midcorner so committal is the key :lol:

Otherwise..... (reading the Subject).... change the oil & filter every 3 - 4000 miles with quality oil (search for this - done to death). Keep your tyre pressures spot on, especially makes a big difference on 17's/18's.

Um... lot's of other stuff, but it kinda depends what's already ben done to the car :)

GeeTee 8)


New Member
hey mate, glad to hear ur enjoying ur R :D

to keep it tip top, do all the above

make sure u have a top set of brakes on it, at 1.5 bar, that thing is gonna be quick so u need summat to help stop it quick and NO a brick wall isnt the answer.

keep ur fluids topped up.

oil + filter change is very important, id do it every 3,000!

also, USE ur turbo timer, if u aint got one, get one. but make sure u let the bugger warm up and down properly!

theres no point in owning such a nice car if u aint gonna look after it, little things like this will help keep it in top order.

im sure theres loads more to come bud but this is a starter for ya.

good luck with it, go kill some m3's :wink:

saj 8)


I'd second the opinions above - regular oil changes with a good quality oil, and be sure to let the engine warm up and cool down properly to prolong engine life.

I'd also suggest investing in some quality aftermarket gauges if you don't already have some (boost, oil pressure and water temp would be good investments).

Enjoy - and welcome.


As above but there's no need to chuck £60 worth of oil out every 3000 to 4000 bl00dy miles :roll: , I do mine every 6000 to 7000 miles of road use as it's a well know fact that synthetic oil can last up to 10k if you so choose, The only time i'd do shorter changes is if i'v done a couple of track days.

My engine is now 60k old and still has very good oil pressure and runs great :wink: .



I only change the oil when the oil temp starts to rise (when the oil is starting to break down ). Worked fine on my ZX Turbo ( 4+ years on standard turbo and still going strong ) and nearly four years on my Pulsar running 1.2 bar on standard turbo, ( still going strong ).

I can't see the point of changing the oil when its still coming out the same colour it went in :D

<heated discussion to follow, no doubt>

:oops: :p


geetee said:
:shock: :shock: :shock:
stay on the road

And welcome aboard :lol:

Good here eh! :lol:

What have you had before? A 1.5bar R is a bit of a beast and driving it fast particularly on bendy bits will take a bit of getting used to.......

No idea what you're used to so general advice for high power AWD..... to start with at least take your corners slower in and get on the gas through the apex and out. AWD diffs do funny things if you lift off the gas midcorner so committal is the key :lol:

Otherwise..... (reading the Subject).... change the oil & filter every 3 - 4000 miles with quality oil (search for this - done to death). Keep your tyre pressures spot on, especially makes a big difference on 17's/18's.

Um... lot's of other stuff, but it kinda depends what's already ben done to the car :)

GeeTee 8)
i've owned:
2x alfa 33 perm' 4 (4wd) - 170ish bhp
skyline r32 gtr (4wd) - 300bhp
s13 200sx (rwd) 230bhp
and loads of fwd things

so far i've found the pulsar doesnt handle like the skyline. its a proper full time 4wd. that was new after the tail happy skyline.

the pulsar seem to want to understeer if pushed too hard. as said above, slow in fast out. you cant really carry the speed round.
the gear changes are nice too. a good shunt of power and not a lot of torque steer.

the brakes :shock: :shock:
the alfa's i've had were known for their substandard brakes but the pulsar wins the prize for the worst brakes ever. i think its mainly due to the extra power my car has. they seem to stop me fine from anything 70mph or down. but above that they make your heart skip a beat as they dont scrub the speed off anywhere near as well as they do at lower speeds.

i quite like the way you can chuck the car about quite a bit. i'm thinking back streets here. tight street corners and little gaps. it begs to be chucked about and doesnt seem to offer much understeer when driven like this.
but on the open faster corners its got more understeer.

i'm wondering if a little lift off on the way in, to get the back to go light, would help to dump some of the understeer. then use the power to push it out of the corner. this would work on sharper corners at least.
the car would need a rear lsd for this tho. it feels like there is some sort of diff at the rear but its not very quick locking.

it doesn't feel like its got a front lsd. is the pulsar meant to have one?
how many diffs has it got and where/what are they?

the car seems to have a lot of grip in the wet too. well damp. not going too fast (wet and dont know the car yet) there didnt seem to be much more understeer than in the dry and the back was well behaved too. didnt try to step out much. a few 4 wheel understeer moments on slipery round abouts. the power is handy to pull out of these.

thank god for turbo lag. if this car had all its power from 1500rpm it would be undrivable. but because it doesnt reach full boost till 4k the power sort of comes in more and more as the revs rise. rather than just from nothing to everything.

any other more pulsar specific driving tips before i find out the hard way?
are there any people that rally pulsas? or do a lot of track days?
i'd love to have a chat with them about how best to drive them hard.

accordding to my history the car has done 3400 miles since it was rebuilt.
damn.. thats oil change time :(

right best go off and search for 'oil change'



The pulsar has a rear LSD but the front is an open dif, My old pulsar had a front LSD also but not many do.



New Member
petegtir said:
geetee said:
:shock: :shock: :shock:
stay on the road

And welcome aboard :lol:

Good here eh! :lol:

What have you had before? A 1.5bar R is a bit of a beast and driving it fast particularly on bendy bits will take a bit of getting used to.......

No idea what you're used to so general advice for high power AWD..... to start with at least take your corners slower in and get on the gas through the apex and out. AWD diffs do funny things if you lift off the gas midcorner so committal is the key :lol:

Otherwise..... (reading the Subject).... change the oil & filter every 3 - 4000 miles with quality oil (search for this - done to death). Keep your tyre pressures spot on, especially makes a big difference on 17's/18's.

Um... lot's of other stuff, but it kinda depends what's already ben done to the car :)

GeeTee 8)
i've owned:
2x alfa 33 perm' 4 (4wd) - 170ish bhp
skyline r32 gtr (4wd) - 300bhp
s13 200sx (rwd) 230bhp
and loads of fwd things

so far i've found the pulsar doesnt handle like the skyline. its a proper full time 4wd. that was new after the tail happy skyline.

the pulsar seem to want to understeer if pushed too hard. as said above, slow in fast out. you cant really carry the speed round.
the gear changes are nice too. a good shunt of power and not a lot of torque steer.

the brakes :shock: :shock:
the alfa's i've had were known for their substandard brakes but the pulsar wins the prize for the worst brakes ever. i think its mainly due to the extra power my car has. they seem to stop me fine from anything 70mph or down. but above that they make your heart skip a beat as they dont scrub the speed off anywhere near as well as they do at lower speeds.

i quite like the way you can chuck the car about quite a bit. i'm thinking back streets here. tight street corners and little gaps. it begs to be chucked about and doesnt seem to offer much understeer when driven like this.
but on the open faster corners its got more understeer.

i'm wondering if a little lift off on the way in, to get the back to go light, would help to dump some of the understeer. then use the power to push it out of the corner. this would work on sharper corners at least.
the car would need a rear lsd for this tho. it feels like there is some sort of diff at the rear but its not very quick locking.

it doesn't feel like its got a front lsd. is the pulsar meant to have one?
how many diffs has it got and where/what are they?

the car seems to have a lot of grip in the wet too. well damp. not going too fast (wet and dont know the car yet) there didnt seem to be much more understeer than in the dry and the back was well behaved too. didnt try to step out much. a few 4 wheel understeer moments on slipery round abouts. the power is handy to pull out of these.

thank god for turbo lag. if this car had all its power from 1500rpm it would be undrivable. but because it doesnt reach full boost till 4k the power sort of comes in more and more as the revs rise. rather than just from nothing to everything.

any other more pulsar specific driving tips before i find out the hard way?
are there any people that rally pulsas? or do a lot of track days?
i'd love to have a chat with them about how best to drive them hard.

accordding to my history the car has done 3400 miles since it was rebuilt.
damn.. thats oil change time :(

right best go off and search for 'oil change'

bump steer kit will sort out all that bloody understeer - note to keiron.. (there u go mate, bump steer menitoned, he he) :wink:

Fast Guy

Staff member
vpulsar said:
As above but there's no need to chuck £60 worth of oil out every 3000 to 4000 bl00dy miles :roll: , I do mine every 6000 to 7000 miles of road use as it's a well know fact that synthetic oil can last up to 10k if you so choose,

It depends how uprated his Gtir is and how he drives it.
Nissan recommend every 6000miles for the standard car. Most poeple on here do it every 3000miles, I'd certainly be doing it more often than 6K, but it's upto you if you want to do it every 3K, you might waste some money, but you might help your engine last longer.

Other than that, just warm it up and cool it down properly ie don't thrash it when cold or turn off straight after a thrash.