light wiring issue (one step forward, one step back!!)


New Member
having sucessfully installed my new boost and air/fuel gauge 8) , i went to give the car a quick spin and now the following doesnt work :x :

Rear Fog Light switch (aftermarket one, not nissan type)
O/S Headlight, no dipped or main beam, but N/S is fine
Centre dials dont work, they light up but thats about it!

Is this simply a fuse issue as ive checked the ones to the right of the drivers seat and all is fine or could it be something more?



Recon there might be a couple more fuses under the bonnet.
Sure you plugged everything back in when you put it all back together??


New Member
well the rear fog lights only got 3 wires and they're all plugged in, im thinking that the connection for the main feed on the fog light is loose hence why one of the headlights has gone.

ive plugged the centre console back in, but would they all be on a different set of fuses??


Think the headlight fuses might be in the engine bay, there are seperate fuses for each side so one could be blown, maybee if you shorted out the foglight switch wiring or something.
Strange that the centre console gauges dont work, it's unlikely that this would have anything to do with the headlights.
If the fuses are ok then I'd double check the connectors and make sure you didnt disturb some other wiring.


New Member
dont suppose you know exactly where bouts in the engine bay the fuses are located, as theres several in the engine bay!


Passanger side of the engine bay near the battery I think. There aint that many there so you should be able to check them all easily enough.

Fast Guy

Staff member
It sounds like the rear fog is wired into the headlight circuit and the fuse has gone.


Active Member
The headlight connectors are always going crispy and crap on these cars.... you probably disturbed the wiring when you were messing about with your plumbing :shock:

Where did you wire in the live feed for the back light on the boost gauge and where have you mounted it?

GeeTee 8)


New Member
i didnt touch the plumbing on the engine bay side, as the previous owner had already fitted another boost gauge, which was super accurate so i just plugged the new one in, the only reason i swapped was because i wanted an EL one to match the dash lights!


New Member
right latest update is:

Fuse had blown on O/S headlight so that cured that problem which in turn fixed the fog light issue!
The centre console dials now work as i took the harness plug out, had a closer inspection and found one of the contact wires had folded back on itself, so i sorted that out, put plug back in and hey presto all working. the boost & a/f gauge are now working fine too (touch wood!), looks like im on a roll with this electrics thing!!!


New Member
Im not one to hijack a topic lol but recently my sidelights both fronts have gone, are these fused front and back or left and right?

Where are the sidelight fuses, inside or outside, help is appreciated.

Ant. :wink:


New Member
the main headlight fuses are to the left of the battery as you look at it, however there is another set of fuses below the drivers side vent. (in the lower dash,) and i think this is where you'll find the fuse for the rear lights and maybe even the sidelights. il have a look at the wiring diagram ive got and get back to you!

Fast Guy

Staff member
Sidelights (and dash illumination) are normally all on the same fuse I believe, check your fuse box in the dash :wink: