light weight pullys ?


New Member
Anyone looked at those light weight alloy pullys on Ebay going at the moment......whats everyones likes or dislikes of this upgrade....does it really make all that much of a difference:roll: .....only ask as i know a guy who used to work for quiafe for twenty years and used to race the odd car or two recomending that i should try and stay clear...something to do with the crank pully not being up to the job even on the full fat forged jobbies....has anyone had any bad experainces :? with these as i keep thinking about getting a set?


New Member
i personaaly dont think there worth the hassle.
are they gtir specific? cause i dont think the 200sx ones work

Fast Guy

Staff member
Allegedly the problem is the lightweight crank pully doesn't have the harmonic damper in it. This wil cause the engine to vibrate to death and implode 10secs after fitting it. I have noticed abit of top end vibration since fitting mine......nearly 2 years ago. I suppose the implosion is on it's way. Probably not worth the trouble as I didn't notice any diference in the speed the engine revs up to be honest,even with fitting a full set and a lightweight flywheel at the same time.:oops:


New Member
There is more vibration when having a solid lightweight crank pulley, it could shorten the life of your engine, a good rule of thumb is that if a respectable japanese company (like greddy) has such a product then its ok. HKS offer a pulley for the RB26 but it does have the rubber damper. I wouldnt fit one if you still have air con though..


New Member
thanks for the tip;-) ....will spend my hard earned on something worth while then......its also nice knowing that a local tuner near to me is giving me sound advice and not trying to just take my cash....funny but now you mention the damper inside the crank wheel thats exactly what he mentioned.:doh: ....staying on the subject of inertia and weight anyone using a carbon fibre prop shaft....i know that alot of weight can be saved by using quality light weight alloy wheels and this also helps improve the life of the gearbox but was wondering if these carbon propshafts are worth the cash,i read on a web site that these can also help the life expectancy of our fragile gearboxes by flexing ever so slightly when you engage drive thus taking the harshness and pressure of off the gearbox internals......i know that it seems like im harping on about weight reduction :roll: but im just trying to get the most out of a standardish car for the mo without changing the internals or turbo yet:-D


New Member
All of the lightening up helps, the fidanza is prob the lightest you can get, pulleys are a good thing too, they help alot in the bottom end of the power band, I was looking into the carbon prop for the s14 and custom fitting it but I cant compare both as yet to see. All definately worth while.


New Member
i got a lightweight fidenza 500 miles old one up for grabs in ross' performance bits in the for sale if you wanna go that way matey

Fast Guy

Staff member
mattytappy said:
is anyone using a carbon fibre prop shaft....i
There's a couple of non forum race cars using them. One person has one from the group buy on the other forum, but it's currently unfitted to his car (still being built) The others are still waiting for anything to happen.


New Member
do they make that much of a difference for £750...:roll: and what would they be like on a road car????? any one using one on this forum....if so whats it like:? .

Fast Guy

Staff member
I doubt they'd make the same amount of difference as a flywheel as the prop doesn't rotate at the same high speed.

Group buy....involving carbon fibre........I wouldn't bother, they all go to the wall due to apathy.


New Member
does that mean you aren't interested now then carl ?

i was actually talking to pete yesterday about the order for the 3 of us

davey red.r

New Member
yes definatly 1500 know a lad with one looks the muts tho can only be seen on the ramp pointless wast of money unless youve got mikeal ballaks wages;-)