Leaky Coilover



Just thought i would share a recent experience of mine:

A few weeks ago i noticed some drops of oil being left on my driveway. I firstly thought it was because i recently did an oil change and maybe i hadn't tightened it all back up properly, so i checked the bolt and the filter were on tight.

There were still drops of oil coming out and on closer inspection it was one of my coilovers leaking, and i only got these in January! :shock: I took it off and phoned the company i bought them from and they said to send it back directly to the importers. They said that they have never had this problem before on any other sets that they have sold :doh: :doh:

Anyway, sent it back and a couple of weeks later i get sent the replacement (D2 coilovers by the way). Apparantly one of the seals on the unit was the wrong one :roll: :roll: So i put the coilover back on with the top mount set up as it was previously, but now my steering wheel isn't straight and when driving the steering is all over the place, pulling to the right as if its the tracking or something :x

i didn't think taking the coilover off then putting back on could affect this, and not being a tight a** but after all the money i spent on buying them in the first place i don't like the idea of paying for tracking to be done because of a mistake that someone else made! :x :x :x


Active Member
Whenever you remove/replace any of the steering and suspension components components, excluding the ARB's and fittings, you should get the alignment checked.
You'll never get the components in exactly the same place as they were in prior to changing/replacing them !

On a brighter note, sounds like D2's customer service is pretty good ?! Good news as I'll have a set turning up next week........ hopefully !


its the 2 bolts that hold shock to the hub!
the holes are elongated and if not marked prior to removal, it will throw your tracking way out (as youngsyp has said)
when you remove them thier will be 2 rings left on leg where heads of bolts were previously tightened onto....use these as a guide to get rough alignment when you replace the shock;-) then take it in to be tracked!


Yeah apart from the mistake of putting the wrong seal on (which to be fair as they said hasn't happened before) the service was fine. I liked that the top mount came back as it was before, which saved a lot of hassle. The two weeks i waited to get the replacement seemed a lot longer though!

I was just a bit miffed about the tracking/alignment, but i will look at the hub as suggested :thumbsup: and try to line it up as best i can to where it was previously and see how it is after. I guess if i need to get it aligned still then so be it :eek:hwell: