Launch Control


New Member
I've been thinking for a while now about having some sort of launch control fitted to my R :)

I've been looking at the Omex "rev limiter - lauch control" kit, but have a few reservations

1. Is it easy to use??

2. Will it really make much of a difference on my car assuming 360-370bhp I know all the "big boys" use various forms of launch control, but they are running 600/700bhp +

any thoughts please :)


Well-Known Member
Thats the same kit that im planning on fitting to mine, just need to find out that it will definatly work with the R's ignition system first because im not 100% sure yet.

I just want something simple so i can have a 6k rev limit when i press the button, then just hold the throttle flat to the floor for going off the line 8)


Active Member
yep it will work fine mark thought ud just use the normal limiter though lol u dont normally have any sympathy for the car
just make sure u get single coil version as they do both the other is for stuff with twin coil packs like evo

Fusion Ed

Active Member
I've fitted these work fine, although quite crude, they cut ignition not fuel so expect lots of bangs/flames and its not great for the turbo.


Well-Known Member
ashills said:
yep it will work fine mark thought ud just use the normal limiter though lol u dont normally have any sympathy for the car
just make sure u get single coil version as they do both the other is for stuff with twin coil packs like evo
Cheers for that info, just needed to check as it only says 'suitable for MOST cars with electronic ignition' didnt want to buy one then find it couldnt be used with the R's ignition system!

I know i dont have much mechanical sympathy :oops: but not even i would launch the car bouncing it off the limiter at 7500 rpm, although the thought has crossed my mind a few times :lol: My car seems to launch best holding it at 6000rpm and i know from the pod when your on the line with the adrenaline going its sometimes awkward to hold the revs there steady so being able to press a button and then just hold the pedal to the floor and not having to worry about it will be spot on for sprints/hillclimbs etc 8)

Another good point is all the popping and banging on the line will p1ss all the old farts in my local motor club off even more when i use it for autotests at the local airfield :lol: They already get funny about having to compete against 4x4 turbo'd cars so that will give the silly old coonts something else to whinge about :roll: