Latest piece of yank junk to hit the UK


Active Member
Take a look at this bad boy :roll: :lol:

Some bloke who sells the stuff in the UK posted it on another forum I'm on, and was hit with an immediate torrent of abuse.

Apparently you can program it to make noises when certain pre-defined actions occur - you can even set off a tone on a certain day - why the fuck you'd even want to do this I'm not sure :lol:

As far as I'm concerned, if it can't transport me through time when I hit 88mph... or advise me to pull off the motorway into a service station when the turtles head is starting to crest I'm not interested :lol:



Nice :D Looks like yet another pointless pile of turd :D What would ya want ya car to make the noise of an F15 Flyby.!!!!! :?

Im slightly concerned that are you so badly in control of your bodily functions you cant decided for yourself when you need a poo.?? :lol: :lol: The old sphinkter not as strong as it used to be eh buddy :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :wink:



Active Member
:lol: Something like that. I just think it might be nice to be able to retire that part of my brain and re-allocate it to more important things in life like being pickled by lager and storing memory-w@nk images :lol: ;)



The thing is you know the Lax Flower boys will be loving it :twisted:


Even worse than the "fake turbo whoosh" devices you can get!


Active Member
ShayneG said:
smithy said:
The thing is you know the Lax Flower boys will be loving it :twisted:
So you ordered one then Paz :lol: :lol:
Yep - I'm planning on putting it on my gold, wide arched kitted shitbucket 'R :lol: .... oh wait, that was your old one :lol:

We keep coming down to this Shayne - there isn't really ANYONE in this club in a less suitable position to comment on my car being Chav :lol:

Mic - I've got one wired up to my PC which has been set to make a noise everytime someone talks b0ll0cks on the forum - funnily enough it goes mental everytime Mr G logs onto the site :lol:
