

I've got some pretty loud knocking noises coming from the back of my car when I go over rough surfaces.

It sounds like it could be bushing related (I had a similar problem on a previous car and it turned out to be rear subframe bushings)

Anyone else had this problem?

Any idea what it could be and how to fix it?


New Member
Check your shocks for leaks etc.

Carry out a very safisticated bounce test on your suspension, if it bounces for say 1.5 up/down then it should be fine but if it keeps bouncing after this period its prob your shocks on the way out or gone completely.

If none of these check the anti roll bar bushes etc as this can cause a knocking.

Goodluck, Ant. :D


ok, I'll check this out.

What's the run down of all bushes at the rear, what and where etc?

if need replacing, whats the normal upgrade people choose, or OE?


cheers for the link, very useful, tempted to order the lot...

other than those on the list, are there 'subframe' bushes. Is it common for bushes to go/causing banging?

Its just that I rang Powerstation and they said it was very unusual for bushes to go???!! Think I had the tea boy answer the phone....


New Member
more than likey to be ur shocks, just check ur arches for any oil leaks and do the bounce test.

its a bit rarer for bushes to go i think.