

New Member
ok, i have only just found the time to take the rocker cover off and there is nothing visibly wrong. I took all the plugs out and turned the engine over and there is no noise, i put the plugs back in and turned over still no noise.when i put the leads back on and started the car with rocker cover still off it knocks has anyone got any clues??
the noise is definatly top end.
the knocking noise came after fitting a new turbo oil pipe,after about 3 miles so probably not conected in anyway.

Evo Eater

check the valve clearance is o.k, i thought my top end was making a noise. it was like a piking noise. i then found out it was the big ends. so i've just finished fixing mine. try not to drive it, get it to a garage who know's what they are doing with gtir


New Member
its not big ends it knocking all the time when started.You can hear big ends for quite a while befor they knock all the time.