Knocking when cold.



Ok just wandering wot u think of this one.. When i first start driving the car in the morning after a minutes warm up it knocks at the drivers front side when goin over bumps only. After a bit of driving it stops knocking.
I took the drivers wheel off yesterday to have a look and i noticed the engine is touching the flexi pipe on the exhaust. It could be this i think.
I put a new engine mount in on the drivers side 2 or 3 weeks ago and its not cracked or anything. So not sure at all what the problem could be!
Anyone got any ideas?
Many thanks Tom!


how can it be out of alignment paul, as its a fixed mount:?

could be one or both of the rear box mounts also split or possibly the stabilizer mounts.

it probably knocks from cold as the engine will be a little more lumpy untill its warmed up, which could explain it from knocking when cold


Thanks for gettin back to me!
I had a quick look at the other front gearbox mount and it seemed fine 2 but will take a closer look over the wend. Where abouts are the stabilizer mounts bob?
The whole engine seems to sit lower than it uset to, cause i dont think it used to touch the exhaust..


TomsTurbo said:
Thanks for getting back to me!
I had a quick look at the other front gearbox mount and it seemed fine 2 but will take a closer look over the wend. Where abouts are the stabiliser mounts bob?
The whole engine seems to sit lower than it used to, cause i don't think it used to touch the exhaust..
The stabiliser mounts are at the font and rear of the engine mate, They will not have an effect oh how high it is sitting though, Not unless you're meaning it higher at the front or rear than it used to be, Are you sure that the new mount has been fitted correctly and is even a proper pulsar mount ?.

If you look under your turbo you will see the front stabiliser mount and under the plenum for the rear one.



Yup its the correct mount, got it from bob. Dont see how it could be fitted wrong as i found only one way to get it on which was the same as the one i took off. Hope i did it rite!
There has to be some mount or stabilizer gone cause the engine looks like it has moved down a bit in some direction. It could be the rear stabilizer as it seems to be lower at the back side and therefore hittin the exhaust.
Would that sound like the problem maybe?


Active Member
Afaik, the stabiliser/buffer mounts are only there to control front to back rocking movement of the engine and gearbox. These shouldn't effect the position the engine 'sits' in !

It would seem to point to Bobs original idea of the other mounts possibly being shot !


Could be man! Im thinkin in that case it has to be the one at the back passenger side of the gearbox cause i looked the the front one and it was ok.. will get a good look around it 2nite hopefully!

Will it be ok to drive the car to and from work like this? Im a bit worried about the exhaust pulling down on the turbo with the engine touching the top of the exhaust??

Cheers for all the advice guys!! Tom


youngsyp said:
It would seem to point to Bobs original idea of the other mounts possibly being shot !

Yes take a good look at the lower rear gearbox mount, When you fitted the new mount did you keep the engine in the same position or did you let it drop once you had removed the old mount ?, Because if you did this may of damaged the lower rear gearbox mount.



There was a new water pump put in at the same time as the mount and i had to move the engine up and down a bit to do this.
so u think thats wot could ave happened Rob?


TomsTurbo said:
Ok just wandering wot u think of this one.. When i first start driving the car in the morning after a minutes warm up it knocks at the drivers front side when goin over bumps only. After a bit of driving it stops knocking.
I took the drivers wheel off yesterday to have a look and i noticed the engine is touching the flexi pipe on the exhaust. It could be this i think.
I put a new engine mount in on the drivers side 2 or 3 weeks ago and its not cracked or anything. So not sure at all what the problem could be!
Anyone got any ideas?
Many thanks Tom!
Hello Matey get a big bar and prise the exhaust away from the body you only need do it a little bit to notice a difference in anoying rattles! :lol:

Also double check your bolts are all well tightened and the rubber shims are installed correctly again on the mount ;-)


as robbie says, if you let the engine drop down to do the water pump, it could have split one of the rear mounts!
the stabilizer mounts as paul said will only stop backward and forward movement (rocking) but if they are perished then the exhaust will touch on the underside on acceleration or braking.

best thing to do is get one of your mates (whos driving you trust) to sit in car and keep dipping and releasing the clutch to biting point, hence rocking the engine, WITH HANDBRAKE ON whilst hes doing this watch in the engine bay for signs of movement in any mounts etc especially back ones!