Knocking sound when coasting along



I have this problem at the moment when i take my foot off the accelerator and let the car coast along, like when comming to an intersection.

There is a knocking sound comming from the front drivers side, if i touch either the brakes or the accelerator the sound stops straight way. It doesn't do it when going around corners, only in a straight line. I have also noticed that when moving off from a standstill i hear a 'klunk' from the same place.

I have raised the car and had a play with the drive shafts on both sides of the car and they don't feel much different, there is not much freeplay in them. When time permits i will slide the CV boots off the make sure there is grease in the joints still. The boots look OK though.

Someone mentioned it might be the bushes but they don't look too bad.

Anyone have any suggestions??



Active Member
check you link mount are they ok?front and back of engine. also check anti roll bar links.
