Knock/DET Sensor ???


hi guys... i decided to put this under a new topic.

The car feels fine to drive but i keep getting fault code 3,4. It used to feel slow when it warmed up and when the ignition timing was checked it was set at 10!! :roll: Now it is set to 18 and the car feels fine.

however i still am getting fault code 3,4...

what could this be?

Thanks in advance, Imran

Fast Guy

Staff member
The det sensor or something in it's circuit playing up. Have you cleared the codes and tried again to make sure it isn't an old code?


any ideas?

i'm not damaging the car further am i by driving it while i am getting this fault code?

another thing- the car runs at standard boost however the turbo gauge gos all the way up to the 7 mark. Do u think this is just the gauge? as i cant see anything done to it to make it run at 1 bar



If it is possible, can some tell me how to clean up the connections that lead to the det sensor? And where these conncetions are...?

keep in mind i am not to mechanical :oops:

a 'how to' possbilbly?...please :roll:


Active Member
det is caused by
1 bad fuel
2 high inlet temps
3 over advanced ignition

check the usuals plug etc if in doubt do a search plenty of info on here if you look!!



i thought the fault code only flashes 3,4 if the actual sensor or connections of the sensor is buggered...or is this incorrect.

i only use optimax so i do think that would be the problem
Ignition timing is at 18 but gets retarted further when the sensor plays up
not sure about the inlet temperature

will be serviving the car within a few weeks, dizzy, rotor arm etc...and c how it goes

thanks for your input


New Member
iirc correctly, the sensor will show a fault if it is open or short circuit, not just because the car is detting (if it picks det up, the sensor is working correctly!)

It might be worth checking the pin on the back of the ecu,to make sure it isnt loose(unlikley),the pin number will be on this site somewhere, i think its a screened white cable, (the outside of the cable should be connected to earth, or an earth wire somewhere) the other end is at the back of the engine, up high underneath the inlet manifold, unless you can get it on a ramp and probably remove the front pipe, it will be a nightmare to get to.

Also, according the wiring schematic i looked at, the wire goes into a plug on top of the gearbox (its not connected to the gearbox, its just a connector) for some reason, but have not checked this to be sure :?:

The knock sensor is about 180 quid from nissan, if you repalce it, have a look at the plug as well, i had to rewire mine and put a new plug on :wink:


I'd say the DET sensor is faulty, as if it wasn't you could reset the ECU and temporarily get rid of code 3,4. As it's staying there, it's more likely the sensor than anything triggering the sensor.


j gtir doesnt the knock sensor show 3,4 when det is detected which would usually be when the car has been run.. it shows all clear when i reset it but when u drive for a bit it shows up 3,4 again[/quote]


the fault code will only come up if the ecu is detecting a fault in the this case these a fault in the knock sensor or its circuit.

if the car is detting it will not show up on the fault code- the code only lets you know that the sensors bu**ered and therefore not able to detect det; but because its broken doesnt automatically mean the car is detting out of control. its just an inication that somethings not right.