Just done my roof lining



But I used "No More Nails - Ultra Instant Grab" instead of an ordinary sealant (just picked up the first thing I could think of). It seems to have worked well so far but wondered if anyone else has used NMN on their R?

I just keep getting a nagging feeling that it'll start to crumble after a few blasts in the R (the finish seems drier than a bathroom sealant) and I'll have to go through the lengthy process again with something else in the near future.


Active Member
I guess it needs to have some flexibility in it but, I thought NMN would have a little give ?!

I guess only time will tell. This is one job I need to do so, keep us informed bud !


New Member
No more nails and similar products tend to be quite inflexible and hard when set. I suspect it will come loose due to all the vibration and flexing.
You would have been better off using silicone sealant or even better, expanding foam, that stuff is mega sticky and fills all the gaps with ease.
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the roof lining was originally fitted using expanding foam?


Yeah thats what got me thinking was all the vibration i'll encounter. Oh well that'll teach me to do my research and read the labels before buying :doh: .


Got to be said though, filling those gaps does make a big difference to the noise levels inside. Shame my car will soon sound like a set of maracas when all the dried pieces of NMN start bouncing around on the roof skin.


Active Member
surely they dont use expanding foam on roof lining ! that would be a seriously bumpy rooflining!!

You'd been better off asking on here what to use for the roof lining if you didnt know what to use, as im sure there a few people on here know people who do custom car interiors i know i do.
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You'd been better off asking on here what to use for the roof lining if you didnt know what to use
Its not so much that I didn't know. I did actually do searches on the kind of thing to look for (sealant etc) but I just ended up buying NMN thinking it won't be much different (and so far it has worked) but the sealant properties of NMN are slightly different to a normal sealant.

I'll either do it again soon (with sikaflex or something) or just leave it and see if the stuff does last. I think I was just so eager to get it done that I simply picked up the wrong thing and applied it before giving it some proper thought. Its typical me all over.:doh: :-D