ivory Gtir



Hi I'm new on here. I've been offered a J plate ivory Gtir for a straight swap for my car which I want £2000 for. The only problem i've got is the car is not running as there was a knocking on the top end and it was diagnosed as the camshafts. These have been removed and so the car is not running. Just wondering what people think. Would this be too much of a risk to buy seen as I couldn't here it running or test drive it? Thanks Michael


Active Member
Personally, if I hadn't heard it running, or had a test drive, I wouldn't touch it with the longest barge pole ever made !

Also, I wouldn't expect a 'knocking' from the head area of the car. That maybe a bit rattly but, certainly not knocking.
If there was any knocking coming from the engine, I'd expect this at the bottom end, indicating possible excessive wear in the big end bearings !


New Member
It depends what its like, has it been raped over with everything stripped and slapped together again? is there signs of lots of tinkering in the engine bay and interior? do the panels line up and is there any rust?, broken bits? worn bits? usually you ask questions first and see if you can find out how honest the person selling is. Sometimes you will find some c**t calling you a time waster because you are not interested in buying his shitter for twice its worth, others are genuine with a good price or offer that is worth buying. Take someone who knows what to look at.


sorry I didin't mean knocking he says it's a rattle. Thanks for the advice though.


New Member
Thats what he sais, might be talkin sh1t, its very risky coz if the bottom end is Fookd then your wallet will be too! My bottom end went a few weeks ago and im getting a new engine now! Your best bet is to put in a bit more dosh and get an R thats working. if your budget isnt that great and your lokking for a modded 1 then you can always get a standard 1 and personalise it when you do have the dosh.


Yeah TBH I think it's too much of a risk. Thanks for the replys and the help.