It stinks, It stinks...

:? If i have to push the R into boost before it's fully warmed up for some reason (which i hate having to do with a passion) i get this aroma of burning oil, and a nice loud bang between gear changes...

Does anybody else get this, or should i be worried?

Fast Guy

Staff member
Check you don't have any obvious leaks around the turbo area.

Does it smell like engine oil?


I had the smell (but no bangs :? ) if I used boost, it turned out to be exhaust manifold gasket & turbo gasket (square one)...check them in the morning, see if any condensation appears from around those areas when it's cold.



Active Member
If the bang is coming from your exhaust that is pretty normal, more so if you have a goose - I can't remember?



Active Member
Have you recently changed your oil?

Quite common to get dirty oil on the braided section of the exhaust that stinks for ages as it burns off. DUnno why you'd get this particularly when boosting on a cold engine (why would you 'have' to do this?? are you a bank robber or something??)

GeeTee 8)


not too sure bout the oil smell, but the exhaust prob bangs due to the fact that there is unburnt fuel in the exhaust which ignites when it reaches the o2 at the end of the zorst, especially if your doin it on a cold engine as the (choke) mixture will be richer. 8)
geetee said:
Have you recently changed your oil?

(why would you 'have' to do this?? are you a bank robber or something??)
The reason i have to boost when cold sometimes is when i leave work i turn straight onto a really busy road where people are doing 50, so i have to go from rest to 50. It's hard to find a gap sometimes and i don't wanna be causing any accidents by driving like an oap.

When i rob banks i always keep the engine running. :wink:

I have changed my oil after Trax, yeah. (September.)

And the rich choke mixture i hadn't thought of.

I'll see what happens, Cheers lads.