It goes all WOBBLY at 60-70..



Chaps can you help.
seem to get quite a bit of vibration from 60-75 when on the motorway and the car seems to react to diffreent road surfaces to bring it on.

I have tanabe suspenions and trust springs so I appreictae it won't be like a std ride.

have just had the wheels balancved and is a little better. still there though.

can't hear any bearing probs or could this be the start of it??
Also noticed alot of wea on inside of tyres so could the camber be well out as well.

thoughts welcome.



Sounds like a trip to Powerstation for a 4 wheel laser allignment could be on the cards!


Had a very similar wobble

Could be your "bottom arms" - i had some serious play in them, replaced them with AP Bottom Arms, sorted straight away...

For info call Nick at Torque Sport, Chertsey (01932 564 040), ask him about Ben's bottom arms...!

Also - could be a flat spot in a wheel..

Hope it helps



Wheel alignment is critical on our car I once set mine up to standard Sunny settings and it felt exactly like you are finding .Whiteline website have setting figures which i have found to be the best for our cars ,Powerstation also use these similar figures,should solve your problem.


Active Member
low profile 17's will have you tracking every tar line and whiteline u come accross.

but if it's speed specific - is it a vibration or side to side?

worth getting your fronts rebalanced at the same time as ur 4 wheel alignment.

Mine felt like a sack of sh1te after I had 2 new tyres and they split the rack to put a new boot on.

Got the fromts rebalanced and a proper alignment - it's great now - but still tracks lines etc. Particularly if the tyres lose a couple of psi



Mine wobbled all over the place above 70 mph on the way home from buying the car :shock:

Turned out the guy had put 15' rims on ( at my request ) and forgot to tighten up the studs :D :D :D

Brett G

Could be all of the above or one of the wheels slightly buckled!? I had this problem even the inside tyre wearing. I had all the wheels (17" low profiles) balanced and aligned which made a big difference but the fitter told me that one of my wheels was slightly buckled and thus prob why it still vibrates at about 60 to 70 mph
(the alignment prob accounts for the wear tho)!?

Timur 008

Mine also does this wobbling latey! from 60-75, i am well upset about this having 4 old gurls pass me on the motorway in a MG ZR made me :oops: , i have to get this sorted!

I also had very bad camber coz my front tires were wearing down badly on the insides, i had them changed with the cambers.
I have got 2 rear different tires because one blew up!! - long story coming back on the motor way one around 80mph exploded?? so changed that.
Now after all this i am left with the wobblies & feeling that the car is slipping away from me (a very weird feeling that i don't like specially on these rocket cars), the car use to be rock solid doing over a ton :cry:

Next thing on the list is to do all the balacing again i think & if that don't work maybe that 4 wheel alignment - more ££ in my head :(


New Member
Yea, just had my alignment done at powerstation, £70.50, and deffo worth it :D Nick got mine nigh on spot on!

Id also check your wheel bearings, as if they are loose, or on the verge of collapsing, you will know about it :shock:

Other than that, id get your wheels rebalanced, as my car has the same symptons as yours, and ive done everything but get the wheels balanced!!

hope you sort it!



Active Member
£70 :!: Jesus I though £40 at the place I go to was pricy for what I had done, hate to think what they would charge if they had to mess around a lot :!:



Active Member
Now after all this i am left with the wobblies & feeling that the car is slipping away from me (a very weird feeling that i don't like specially on these rocket cars), the car use to be rock solid doing over a ton
That sounds more like your Toe needs adjusting-the angle at which the wheel points in/out of the car.It makes steering very vague,skittish and wears tyres down quickly.

Nick-check your balljoints/wishbone bushes too.


thanks guys and sounds like a combo of things to me!

well the tyres were wearing on the inside and had done quite badly so swapped on the rims and put them on the back.
car now has much newwer boots on the front and it is so much better.

seems to still be very sensitive to raod surface changes and occasionally wobbles now but I reckon it was down to tyres and balancing.

I will also get the camber and alignment checked out skiddus as going for the whiteline kit soon so will get all done at Powerstation in one go as worth getting checked out nonetheless.

I also have spacers on the front memski to help clear the hispec calipers so that cannot help out with the camber and alingment settings!

getting there though!!

senstivie beasts aren't they!!

Timur 008

hi chaps, i got mine sorted (FINALLY!)
it was balancing & tracking that was out!!! (i swear i done this not long ago...) be careful where you go to get this done as some people are just pant's at their own job :roll:
Car feels much better now. - still have to go above the 1na mark to see how she feels but mainly the 60-70 mark feel solid again. :D



started happening to me today...

did u get 4 wheel laser alignment done? or just tracking and balancing...need to get it sorted..wasnt confident manouvering today at all.


yeah i get a bit of vibration on mway at 100kmh too. Car has just had brand new Eagle F1's fitted, dunno if thats the reason.

when i get the clutch up and running again, i might get it checked out at a tyre place.

Timur 008

I done just the tracking & balancing to my R - it feels ever so much better ...but still not that confident going beyond 100+ i think i still gotta get the laser alignment done next! :roll:

if u get this done b4 me please let me know how your car feels :?: