Is this true???


I was reading the latest edition of Max Power the other day and there was an article about few types of cars and what to look for if you are thinking of buying one. The article said : Quote: " Check the fluid in the clutch master cylender isn´t black . If It is the seals are gone and the gearbox will be on its way out."
Is it true that your gearbox will be going out if you have black fluid in your clutch master cylender or is it just some bloke that is talking about something he doesn´t have experience from , firsthand?.

I have changed the seals in both cylenders now and there is no longer any black fluid in the cylender.




Who ever said that is talking out his ar5e :roll: .

But it could mean that one or both of your cylinder's will need changeing soon. But see how a fluid change works out, If the fluid goes black again you will have to look in to changeing the cylinder's, I'd do both if it where me and the hose as well :wink: .



New Member
shows seals are perishing and the clutch may not operate properly.

Not a sign of the gearbox being f o o ked at all, the slave and master cylinder are part of the clutch's hydraulic system not anything to do with the internals of the gearbox tbh.

Mr Overboooost

why on earth were you reading max power anyway i thought only chav's in saxo's with there gay under car neons and spinning hub caps were the only ones that did.



Well-Known Member
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Who ever wrote that should stick to fitting under car neons and snow plough style bumpers and leave the technical stuff to someone that knows what they're on about :roll:

That counts out 99% of their staff then :wink: :twisted:


Active Member
It's a bit of extrapolation but... if you have black fluid, ur seals are deteriorating and fluid will be leaking past them, meaning less pressure, possibly meaning the clutch not disengaging fully, meaning more grief for the synchros n selectors and a bit of crunching.

But the way it's put - got to agree the guy should stick to matchbox models.

GeeTee 8)