Is this normal???


New Member
I split a Intercooler hose last night so it would not boost at all. But what imprest me the most is that the car was fine to drive. No black smoke or stutter was just like driving a N/A. I remember this happening to my s14 and the car would not run at all with the pipe off. Is this normal or is it just my car ;)


have you got a blowby afm?
in other words does your afm run on the line to your inlet plenum!
if so then the car will run as normal minus the boost of course


the revs change when you plug/unplug the afm. How can i check it?

does the afm run inline on an intercooler pipe or is it on the induction pipe?
in other words is there an air filter mated directly to the afm?

Fusion Ed

Active Member
Unusual if the car runs normal.... Id almost say that's not normal so something isn't right haha.