Is This For Real?


New Member
mine did this when the tracking was out also sorted the tracking out and its been fine although my tracking was along way out!


Staff member
It does say 'excluding 4x4' which I think indicates that it won't go in a GTiR.
It's still worth asking as Martyn pointed-out that things like the wishbones say they aren't for the GTiR, but it's only the rear bush that is different. So you can buy a wishbone for £20 and put new poly bushes on it, or you can buy a GTiR one with the right bushes for £90. I know what I did.

I have a similar problem but have being attributing it to a bent wishbone. I've replaced the offside and that has made a big difference, but I just can't get the nearside undone. I think the tie rod may have got bent too because the steering and tracking have gone to sh!t. It's time for a professional to take a look in the new year.