Is the det sensor above the oil cooler?

Fast Guy

Staff member
Well more or less above the factory oil cooler on the block?
While I was replacing the 2 water hoses earlier I could see what I thought was it,(single wire bolt through middle) but the picture in the manual puts it on the other side of the block.
Did a fault code check just now. Funny old thing, det sensor fault showing up.:doh: My first ever fault code. I think I'll check the wiring this weekend.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Struggling to see on that picture, but sounds like it. Reckon I might have caught the wiring.:doh:

Fast Guy

Staff member
I photoshopped it and lightened it alot. That's the beasty. Just hope I can stilll get to it now those pipes are back on.

Fast Guy

Staff member
I cleared the fault memory on saturday and so far the fault check has stayed clear.

I like these self fixing cars :-D (don't you Rob:lol: )

Fast Guy

Staff member
I dunno, I went in to do the 2 pipes on the oil cooler and it was sat there on the block in front of me. So I reckon I could have changed it from underneath easily enough.
I've seen it mentioned that if you have a bracket on the back of the engine you can't get to it without removing the bracket , so I can only assume I don't have that bracket.


New Member
Fast Guy said:
I reckon I could have changed it from underneath easily enough.
Nope the diff and that dam diff/gearbox bracket is in the way. Also, the plug on the back of the starter motor makes it difficult to get to.

If you can get to it, it's a b4stard to get enough leverage on the bolt that goes through the DET sensor.

But then again i've heard of people doing it without the engine being dropped......:thumbsup:

Fast Guy

Staff member
Hmmmm. Is there 2 things bolted into the back of the block that look like the det sensor as mine wasn't that far over.

That bolt shouldn't be that tight either.

PS just noticed this was moved. It was a general discussion about the det sensor not a technical/maintenance thread:nerner:
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New Member
It can be done from underneath the car,but its far from easy.I changed 1 on my mates car around 3 months ago and found it wasnt too bad to get it off,the problem was getting the bolt back in,what a nightmare.I also re-wired a new plug on 1 the otherday that had somehow got mangled and the worst part was connecting the plug back on the DET sensor.