Is the Dastek tunable with the z32maf


New Member

I have a nissan pulsar gtie which has a Dastek ecu I just wanted to know can this particular ecu be tuned with the z32maf on a pulsar or if anyone has got one with this set up. I have ordered one from i think his name is matt of this forum just want to prepare myself for the changes if I need to make any plz it would be helpful if anyone can help. Oh yeh I was told that I will need to change my oil pump if I put a Oil cooler on is this true

Thank you

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Still waiting on some shims!
Yes the Dastek will work with the Z32...

And no you will not need to change your oil pump if you fit an aftermarket oil cooler... Who told you that you needed to...?



Still waiting on some shims!
forge400 said:
I was told by a few pulsar owners around birmingham
Well they speak rubbish...

Next time ask them which pump as you will find there isn't another pump for the GTiR... Not one thats easy to find anyway... If you know what you are doing you can modify the existing one to flow at higher presure though...



New Member
yes a unichip will run a z32 but i think you will find that the map will have to be changed so that it fuels correctly as all the voltages will be different so the fuel map will need to be changed for the new maf sensor voltages. correct me if im wrong


New Member
daz said:
yes a unichip will run a z32 but i think you will find that the map will have to be changed so that it fuels correctly as all the voltages will be different so the fuel map will need to be changed for the new maf sensor voltages. correct me if im wrong
yes correct its the same as the emange which i used when i changed the air flow meter the whole mapping had 2 be changed another 5hrs on the rollers