Is Anyone good with a gearbox??


hey, i have posted this before, but i still need more help!

i have a problem with 4th gear.....

It constantly Clunks under load, no matter how hard or soft I touch the accelerator it will clunk.......BUT.....

If i select 4th gearand let it roll and do not touch the accelerator it is perfectly noise at all.....

I'm really missing 4th now!!!!! (as i'm going from 3rd to 5th!!)
Could it be something loose inside??????

It was rebuilt just over a year ago (typical 12 month guarentee expired....) plus i wouldn't take it back to the company as I have had nowt but bad experience with them.....
Please help!!
Thanks in advance :!:

Innovate Performance

You may have a bearing collasped on one of the gearbox shafts, :(
it is had to say with out hearing it.
Could even be a broken tooth on the gear. a prolem with the sycro of worn bushes. :(


Well-Known Member
Is it just on 4th then? No noises or anything in any of the other gears?

It sounds like a problem with the actual gears, if it was a collapsed bearing on one of the shafts surely you'd get the problem in other gears too :?:

Innovate Performance

MarkTurbo said:
Is it just on 4th then? No noises or anything in any of the other gears?

It sounds like a problem with the actual gears, if it was a collapsed bearing on one of the shafts surely you'd get the problem in other gears too :?:
Ture but i have had had some strange faults/noises with gearboxes.
If i was a betting man my money would be on the chipped tooth on 4th gear answer, but i never like to gess at things and would rather hear it.
But i think your box will have to come out.sorry :(