Is 1.2 Bar Safe


Is 1.2 Bar Safe to run on standard internals

With unichip fitted and mapped to 1.2 bar with correct fuelling ???

With uprated fuel pump,front mount intercooler,hks plugs ,better leads,new better turbo

Cheers Lee


Active Member
I'm running 1.2 at the moment with those mods and there are a few others that are running 1.4bar. I will be running 1.3bar in a few weeks :)


New Member
i've been running 1.25 bar for ten months and it han't missed a beat all i had to do was the usual to safe gaurd the engine ie fuel pump, adj reg and fuel controller. The fuelling is the critical part of the set up. I also have the other mods mentioned ie front mount, plugs,hybrid turbo etc,etc. i thought the difference in performance between 1 bar and 1.2 bar was amazing it just makes me want more boost :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: