intermitent power loss



had my r a few months now , they are great heh. only had one small problem , intemittantly after driving for a long time i suddenly loose some power , i can still accelerate but is alot slower than normal, you can hear the turbo boost up and the guage registers good boost going upto 1 bar, but just not alot of response from the throttle.again it is very intermittent , like the other day i did 2 x 30 mile trips and was fine then went to guildford cruise which is about 30 miles from me , was fine going there , then just before i got home it started playing up. not sure if its related but seems to happen more if ive been driving conservatively for a while. would appreciate any help you guys have.


New Member
:D Hi mate,are you still running a top mount :?: As this sounds like the classic 'HeatSoak' :!: If you drive fairly slowly the air flow is not enough to chill the charge down,especially in the weather we are having at the moment :!:


yeh im still running a top mount , whats best thing to do about it?


Active Member
As above, sounds like heat soak, short version is that the intercooler 'soaks up' heat from the engine )as the heat rises) and as a result lessons performance as it cannot cool the air flowing through it as efficiently.

If you relocate your intercooler to your front bumper the 'soak' effect is reduced and a flowing supply of cold air is always available when the car is in motion.


Fast Guy

Staff member
Do the ecu code check. :wink: Tha manual says the ecu will retard the ignition if it detects det, but doesn't mention cutting boost at all :?


Active Member
Safe Mode...
i.e. knock sensor triggered.
Ign retarded until the sensor stops sensing DET.
I think that is the only case.

Limp Home
Can't rev over 3000rpm
Standard boost control held open - i.e. no boost
No ign advance regardless of revs
Caused by a sensor failure. i.e. the ecu gets no response or a short on a sensor.
This will not be intermittent unless it's an intermittent short. Turning off the ignition may clear it for a short while.

I think ur problem is heat soak by the sound of it. Particularly if it only happens after driving slowly for a while. And particularly again if this slow driving comes straight after caning the arse off it. Imagine - you cane the arse off it - everything is cooking hot... you slow down like a milk float - all that heat is trapped in the engine bay - you have low flow thru the turbo which means that the air intake hitting the IC is hot also. The IC gets damn hot too (being at the top of the engine bay on top of the cooking motor). You floor it... your boosted charge goes into the IC which cannot cool it at all (in fact it may warm it up a bit!) - you get crap power.

After 30 seconds or so of doing over 60mph it's fine again right? That's cos the IC has cooled down a bit and can remove some more heat from your boosted charge...

I think particularly this will have been a prob in the last week or so... it's been upto 30C in most parts of the UK.

Live with it. Or get a Front mount IC. Or get a spray for your TMIC - not really recommended as anything that doesn't evaporate of the IC will end up in plug 1 well and you;ll get a misfire too. Unless you can afford a nitrous spray for the IC - but then you van afford an FMIC.


New Member
i had all these problems, got myself a front mount (and a new knock sensor), and the car is 100% better.
Get it on a consult to check for faults, if its not that, get a front mount :wink:


did a ecu code check today , no faults detected , read 55 straight away so i guess theres no electricle probs so as you guys say must be heat soak, thanks for all your help , you saved me some money as i spoke to abbey motorsport and they said it could be a MAF or ignition amp problem , got very scared when nissan said hundreds for a MAF. So thanks everyone for your help . I wanna get a front mount anyway so ill just live with it for now. has anyone here fitted their own front mount kit? if so did u keep the a/c as i wanna do my own and keep the a/c.I'm gonne get a forge kit i think , but should i uprate the brakes first as they seem absolutely crap , my girlfriends punto has better brakes.?


where do you lot get all your info from :shock:
how do you check the ecu codes ?? youve lost me again lol :?