Insurance for a garaged vehicle


Active Member
Hi all,

I've been thinking about getting a second car for a while now.

As part of this I've been wondering if its possible to get insurance for a vehicle which is kept in secure storage (i.e. garaged) and will never be driven for the life of the policy?

I don't really fancy the idea of garaging the car with no insurance, and if there is a saving to be made on my standard premium, that can't be bad :lol:



I'm almost certain that insurance companies will do a seperate Fire and Theft policy only. Not sure you'll be able to cover two cars on one policy though... although I could be wrong.

Quick call to a big insurer like Direct Line will answer your question I guess.


Active Member
:lol: The answer is yes, and my premium payments would fall from £95 a month to an impressive £3.67 :lol: :lol: 8)

Cheers fella ;)



New Member
So they'll insure the car, just parked up no driving, fire and theft for £3.67 a month? Is that still usuing your no claims etc against it? What sort of excess?


Active Member
OZ-'R'acing said:
paz said:
£95 a month
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: You've been tango'd :wink:
Not really :lol: Unfortunately as I live in Bolton and not hicksville like yourself, the only people that would insure me are tesco :( ;) There was one company who have been doing deals for everyone (A Plan I think) that wouldn't insure me because I lived in Bolton :(

Plus that was a ''follow on'' policy - so there was no deposit to bring the monthly amount down, and I was only 23 when I took the policy out (now 24) :(



Active Member
ChrisS said:
So they'll insure the car, just parked up no driving, fire and theft for £3.67 a month? Is that still usuing your no claims etc against it? What sort of excess?
Yes, but its not as good as it sounds unfortunately :lol:

I was already with them, basically it ''drops'' your policy by X amount, so if I'd have paid up front I'd have been given a refund. The ''refund'' in my case would have been £360ish, but because I've only got 4 months of payments left to pay on this policy (i,e, I've already paid most of it), thats why the payments are so low!



paz said:
:lol: The answer is yes, and my premium payments would fall from £95 a month to an impressive £3.67 :lol: :lol: 8)

Cheers fella ;)

So you're thinking of storing it for a year to save some cash?? I think my mate got some crafty policy with tesco that lets him insure his saph cossie on weekends and stuff only - might be worth a look.


Active Member
Mark_GTiR said:
paz said:
:lol: The answer is yes, and my premium payments would fall from £95 a month to an impressive £3.67 :lol: :lol: 8)

Cheers fella ;)

So you're thinking of storing it for a year to save some cash?? I think my mate got some crafty policy with tesco that lets him insure his saph cossie on weekends and stuff only - might be worth a look.
Possibly just over the winter I think, get a couple of bits and pieces done so its ready for next year - plus its an ideal opportunity to see how practical it actually is to run a second car!
