Ins claim's


If I try to claim on insurance, and they deem that a new bumper, wings, etc comes to say 2k, (and they probably rate the pulsar at worth 1.5k), then what happens?

They say its a write off or what? What happens then, do I just say 'ok, won't claim on insurance then' or do you lose the car and have to buy it back or something?


If its a write off ( which it would be ) then they generally ask you if you want to buy it back from them for a notional sum. The last time I did this the car value was £1300 and I bought it back for £300, depends on the insurance company really.

Its only really worth claiming if you have protected no claims and have another car to receive the parts, as the hassle of getting a 'written off' car back on the road is a pain and you might have problems selling it on.


But how come you have to pay to get it back, its only a write off cos the car value is so low, not cos the car isn't perfectly ok (which it is).

Don't they look at the car and then you can 'decide' whether you want to go through insurance or not?


Staff member
You have the choice to buy it back or to say your get it repaired out of insurance, just make a notification of the incident.


Staff member
They have a calculater on the claim form - this consists of age of the car, speed @ which incident happened & areas of damage - in this case frontal damage on a car over 5 yrs old will get written off - they'd rather give you the money for the value of the car then get it repaired. and if its over 60% of the value then its a definate total loss.

Any more questions ? ;-)


New Member
Just be careful if your buying it back. My bro’s STi Type R Sccoby was written off and he wanted to buy it back.

They quoted him half the value of the payout as they classed it as a high value (in terms of breaking it) salvage.

Dam insurance companies!


Active Member
You need to be aware that if you do indeed claim on your insurance, it's written off and you buy the car back, it will be classed as a category 'D' write off. You then may have issues getting it insured again !

I had a similar issue with my ST205 GT-Four. It had £6800 worth of damage to the front end (It wasn't bad at all, just a lot of very expensive parts)I bought it back off the insurance company for around £1500 iirc(after buying it only 8 months earlier for £9800) and sold it as a cat 'D' write off for £3000. I also got £8000 out of the insurance company for it !


CruiseGTi-R said:
But how come you have to pay to get it back
I asked my missus about this as she's the manager of an insurance company, its because after the insurance company pays out then technically the car belongs to them. They would rather sell it back to you at a nominal price than arrange for it to be collected and then have the problem of disposing of it themselves. Makes sense I suppose...