Innovate lc1+ xd-16


Active Member
Has anybody used this because im having major problems well maybe not major just ****ing annoying :evil: :evil:

Ive wired it all in done the sensor calibration everything runs sweet when i crank it over after heater has warmed up it stays at 4.8 i pressume the thing is fooked as 4.8 is where 14.8 is on the gauge it changes as i rev it but after about 5-10 seconds the thing dies and just leaves three blank lines claiming in the problem solving to be loose cables, ive checked all my cables everything is earthed everything has power the din connector is fine all wires into it are fine i turn evrything off and start again and all runs sweet for 5-10 seconds then the gauge goes mental shooting around everywhere turn it all off start again gauge is fine starts at 4.8 then 5 seconds later everything goes to the three blank lines ive been at this thing since sunday and spent about 20 hours scratching my head !!

Only thing i can think of is that the sensor is too close to the turbo but then again it wouldnt explain why it stops reading afr whole thing has power just stops reading after about 10 seconds but if you turn car off and turn back on all runs sweet for 10 seconds again so confused:confused : . lc1 knackered or sensor??



Active Member
lc-1 is apparently notorious for breaking have to send back to get new one also for anyone wanting one check out their forum on and see how many other people have had problems with it.
and their tech support are crap and useless.


Staff member
Just spoken to Glen at Graham Goodes, who are one of Innovates UK sellers and distributers. He said he sells about 10 - 15 of the LC1 controller kit per month and has only ever seen one come back in the last year.
I mentioned your problem and he was supprised but did say that it could be down to your Link ECU as he thought the ECU might be a little old technolgy (could be wrong) now and not very well matched to the LC1 kit, you should be fine with the Motec.



Active Member
the lc-1 isnt hooked up to link ecu its hooked up to xd-16 so i can watch whats what on the move will be hooked up to new ecu after engine rebuild start of next year. innovate technical are still unsure of problem.
lc-1 is now working (led and switch fitted light sequence shows working ok now ) but not sending to xd-16 or xd-16 not recieving so ill try get another xd-16 and try again and again and again untill i go fookin crazy!!


Active Member
should have this back next week , INNOVATE have the worst customer service i have ever experienced.

If i wanted to make a complaint about a company being slack with their attitudes towards customers and bad customer support who do i complain to??

They would not even offer me a replacement unit because i was the person at fault not their product !!!! god knows how they figured that out. bought the product nearly 7 months ago and im just getting it back now fixed this time i hope.

Talk about crap service.

How long does it take to fix something have they got to redesign the whole product or something!
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Active Member
just got my innovate kit back from america they say there was nothing wrong with the kit (again) and sent it me back just bench fitted it and it works fine so i have no idea why it never worked when i first got it then when i recieved it back the first time it never worked now ive just tried it and it works !! something tells me it wasnt ok and they are trying to cover themselves for not fixing it the 1st time. oh well it works now and im happy just got to wait to see if it cuts out when engine revs rise hence for the reason it was sent back, lol if it doesnt work properly when engine rises anyone want a xd16 and lc1 lol cos ill just smash it!!

Fingers crossed it will work so far so good :)