I'm back..


New Member
Been a while, Sold the Pulsar ages ago now to a friend Steve, but been craving another something cronic :oops:. Going travelling in a few months, so might be looking for a stock one when I come home.

What have I missed, any big projects to look out for, any records broken, gearbox problems solved? Gonna have a browse for a bit.. :)


Active Member
gearbox problems solved?
Yer red reading has developed a very good box, one that locks in gear so you cant use the car anyway, it saves itself from missery :lol:

welcome back, im sure there will be a nice example somewere, but there getting harder to find im sure


New Member
Sounds painful, shame really. One thing I hated was gearbox paranoia! Might be popping along to the Japfest show in Aug to have a mooch around, been out of touch with cars for a while now. May going off here??