If your car was making this sound would you be worried?




I have recently installed a low mileage engine in to my R and I've had a few teething problems along the way.

But this one worries me...

The top end needs some new shims as it's tapping like a diesel (£24 each at Nissan - ouch!) and I think this MAY be connected to my problem.

When the engine RPM reaches around 3000 from inside the car a rattling sound can be heard from the engine. This is not a loose part but actually connected to the revolution of the engine (internal).

When the engine revs increase the sound appears to fade. It's hard to tell if it actaully fades or if it's drowned out by the exhaust . I've got a straight through Mongoose (2.5'' with 5'' tall).

The distrubutor cap, rotor arm, HT leads (Stardard Nissan) and plugs (Denso IK24) have all been changed but the problem continues.

The rattling does not effect performance and happens on load or free revving. On my last engine the big end bearing went on Piston one and it gave the dreaded "knock". This to me sounds more like a rattling than a knocking.

With the bonnet up and the revs at 3000 the rattling can obviously still be heard. I have checking as many things as possible that could be loose and resonating at 3000 RPM but I'm convinced now it's internal.

I'm going to do the shim's next week but I'm not going to bother if the engine is about to go "pop".

All and any ideas welcome.




New Member
Check the power steering pump matey, mine is doing the same and the pump is knackerd, well the pulley part is.


New Member
Also do a search on the crank shaft pulley as i belive a similar noise can be heard when that is broken as it comes in 2 pieces and can split. Do a search all will be revealed.


After changing both belts it appears to be either the air con pump or the alternator. The engine was run without the crank-to-alternator-and-aircon-belt and no noise was heard. :)


New Member
Just ditch the aircon mate you don't need it in this country :lol:

Take the belt off again and check to see if it is the Aircon Pully or the alternator that is jaming.

I had a similar problem but mine was the other side cauing the water pump not to work. The bhsues in the crank pully went :(
