I was about to give....



Up. Ive had my Pulsar for a few months now, And ive had no end of probs, First problems with the Maf, Sorted. Then a coolant leak, Sorted. What could be next... I know Bloody Knock sensor, Sorted that too. Im in the clear, No. Then a gearbox leak, Well thats done. What else could this little car throw at me, A bloody stone.....from the Truck that i was following the other day. Nice crack in the middle of the windsreen. I thought that was it...... No, The R starts running with flat spots..... Ok. boost leak, Just spent 2 hours looking for the leak, Found it. Sorted. And to top it all off. Took the Pulsar out for a test drive and......

Its driving like a dream. Well for today anyway. :shock:


stumo said:
it's a fcuking piece of shit....that's what it is.

Now now :shock: , Just because your rebuild has encountered a few minor set backs :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

You well know that real Pulsar owners are made of sterner stuff and not whining little girls ;-) :lol: :lol: .



yeah stop whining like a little bitch girl stuey and get on and fix it properly this time:lol: :lol:


New Member
To make you feel better I will give you a run down of my list

Bought the R in July last year

Needed new MAF
Needed syncros doing recon box
Fitted Power FC Forge FMIC had it mapped
Took to Castle Combe December last year melted piston :doh:
So rebuilt with new turbo aswell

May this year took for 4 suspension set-up at local garage
they blew my box! Which had only covered 4k since rebuild!
(Garage would not accept liability even though they were driving the car when they did'nt need to)
Bit the bullet and had another box rebuild with Quaiffe gearset.

I have had this all happen in 1 year :? But now I love my R and have exactly how I want it finally..

This is minus other mods Teins, 3" d-pipe etc... list goes on..


Active Member
You should have taken it as a "given" when you bought it as it was inevitable these things will happen.


know how ya feel mate mines been on the lift at work all week had a right mess on with it
cant work on it during work time so only been doing a hour or so b4 and after work
just waiting for vacum pipes to arrive then intercooler can go back on the start bleeding the coolant system and get it runing again


Active Member
Had mine for 3 years now, and the list of things that have gone wrong with it are:

1) Radiator was old and knackered and needed replacing.

Erm, thats all. :thumbsup: Even managed to get away with 3 years at 300bhp on a standard clutch. :lol:


Jammy ??!!

I could say the same, I havent had any problems that I didnt bring on myself. Like blowing a hole through a piston.

Its like any car, if you modify it, its more likely to break down. A standard car, well looked after would last a lifetime :thumbsup:


I've had mine 6 years and it's never broken down as such :shock: :lol: .

Did have to replace the rubbish standard rad because it started leaking, But it never stopped the car from working just needed topping up every week ;-) .

Had to replace the clutch after 36k of hard driving and drag racing, But again the car still worked just slipped a little for a while. (service item)

:shock: Oh I just remembered it did break down once :doh: , When the clutch master cylinder went, But I replaced all 3 items in the system at the same time and have never had another problem 8) .

And last but not least the ring lands went after 2 years of coping with 399.7bhp ;-) , Which still didn't stop it from going 8) just used a little more oil :lol: :lol: :lol: .

So all in all it's been pretty reliable for the whole 18000 miles I've done in the last 6 years of ownership :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .


rx jamie

New Member
in 5000 miles ive owned it,

im on my second turbo, second clutch, and spun the shells. just thought oh well i'll rebuild it. but nope cracked crank was the diagnosis, so im on my second engine now.
wasnt mad really because it comes with owning a car like this. so you've just gotta shrug your shoulders, grit your teeth and fix the fecker and accept your pulsar is a new way of life lol

you seen the seat leon advert havent you ? kinda like that lol


Beachsleeper said:
Up. Ive had my Pulsar for a few months now, And ive had no end of probs, First problems with the Maf, Sorted. Then a coolant leak, Sorted. What could be next... I know Bloody Knock sensor, Sorted that too. Im in the clear, No. Then a gearbox leak, Well thats done. What else could this little car throw at me, A bloody stone.....from the Truck that i was following the other day. Nice crack in the middle of the windsreen. I thought that was it...... No, The R starts running with flat spots..... Ok. boost leak, Just spent 2 hours looking for the leak, Found it. Sorted. And to top it all off. Took the Pulsar out for a test drive and......

Its driving like a dream. Well for today anyway. :shock:
Well that was short lived................ Fu(kin Thermostat housin is leakin now, Droppin coolant like a stone. I was on the rollin road this sunday. Job on.:shock:


Active Member
Beachsleeper said:
Well that was short lived................ Fu(kin Thermostat housin is leakin now, Droppin coolant like a stone. I was on the rollin road this sunday. Job on.:shock:
Mate, some of us are lucky and some arent. I think its blatantly obvious which class you fall into!! :lol: :lol:


yes you are experiencing more probs than norm, just keep on top of them as you are doing and you should be ok.


Active Member
Just think to yourself..... it won't be long until you've replaced all the old parts so, it will be like a new car again......

Then you've just got to worry about the body rusting away on you. :doh: :lol: