I think my gearbox is dead


New Member

:cry: I think my gearbox has died I had the oil changed a few days ago and now the car won't go in any gear. I haven't even launched the car to say i have yowed it. My release bearing was rattling before but I don't know if it's that as the box ain't making any clonk sounds. Can anyone tell me if they have had any problems like this or if they can tell me that my box has gone.:cry:

Thank you



Active Member
Did you just get in the car today and it wouldnt go in gear , or was you driving along happily then all of a sudden it wouldnt go into gear???


New Member
it was fine the day before and then the next day i took it to work and then came home. After that I tried to put it in gear and it won't go. The thing is the gearbox is not making any broken noise at all. Secondly the gears go in gine when i switch the car off but I could still hear the bearing rattling away when I start the car.


try starting the car in gear with clutch done
1 does it move forward even with clutch down?
2 how does the clutch pedal feel?
3 when the engine is running what happens when you try to put it in gear is it stiff?


New Member
The car does move forward, the clutch pedal feels fine same as before, and when it's running the gears are very very hard to go in basicaly you have to put full force to get it in 1st gear. The car won't even go in reverse. But when the car is switched off the gears will go in normaly just a little stiff but not noticable. Can that be the release bearing by any chance?

Fusion Ed

Definately a problem relating to the clutch not releasting properly.


New Member
So I should get my clutch checked out, Thought it was the geabox for a second but if it was my gearbox it would have made a clonking sound correct.


New Member
Yeah, if you can get it into and out of gear with the car off then id say it is your clutch
Could be your clutch fork/relaease bearing

I've had both gearbox and clutch fork/release bearings go

Id say it wasnt your gear box mate


New Member

After all it was my slave cylinder it was gone from the inside so got a new one fitted so it's back to full potential thanks for all your replies much appreciated if thats spelt right (It is now:lol: )
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