I need some advice



Hi, A male friend of mine bought a GTI-R of Michael Marshall at MnM engineering, who I think is a member of this site, which makes it even more saddening that my friend has been treated badily, hopefully he will read this and do the right thing.

My mate got MnM's number off the GTIR Modifiers site where he was advertising the car for sale, he stated he specialised in GTI-R's, so he went to see the car. When he got there Michael said the car only need shiming and he assured him that was all that was wrong with the car, when he got the car home or should I say when he eventually got the car home because it was running sh*t, the oil light was flashing so he checked the oil, there was loads in there, he took the head of and it was 2 teeth out on the inlet cam and the valves had been hitting the pistons. He then dropped the sump and there was no big end shells at all in there, the crank was just running round in the conrod, so .. to cut a long story short ... its all fcuk!! :shock:

So the advice I need is: How can my mate go about solving this problem with him? He wont anwser his calls or texts, I know most sales are sold as seen but he paid good money for this car and cant believe how people can mug each other off this way, Thanks for reading this and my mate would welcome any advice :)

red reading

Active Member
consult the citizen's advice beurau (spelling) then pursue with legal (civil)action,has been sold not fit for use and purpose,you will probably need a seperate engineer's report too to prove the car was trucked when sold and not after you owned it!


Hi there sorry to here about your friends gtir did you get a recipt when your mate brought the car if you did and if it sold as seen you may have problems if not good look like the prevous thread said get a emginering report done on the car and seek advice all good tuners will do the report for you it may cost your mate but you will have some evidence to help you when you finaly get hold of him good luck


New Member
I can't see your mate getting anything back to be honest. Start fixing it or cut his losses and sell as it I reckon.

Lesson learnt, all be it an expensive one.


Thanks for all the advice guys, he has kinda already realised he will just have to accept it as a loss and try to rebuild or replace the engine, as there is no way he will sell it on as a working car to anyone else, now he has realised the extent of the damage.


New Member
take a baseball bat to the salesmans head or shop! threaten him and make him give the money back! if you dont want to do it it i know someone that will!!! he deserves it


i have to agree with the fact that theres next to nothing that can be legally done about it. it will just end up with your mate paying out more legal costs and no guarantee of a settlement in court.
i had a similar thing recently but not with a car, and i was advised by my brief that i would be chucking money down the drain, by pursuing it legally any further!

have to agree with aron (gtirpimp) if you know for sure that he deliberately sold your mate a ropey car, then theres more than one way of revenge, settle the claim that way, but if your not that way inclined then just swallow it and put it down to a bad experience, and dont make the same mistake again!


Yer he told my mate he did used to have a silver gtir, a sunny gti with a gtir engine, he sold it tho, so I hope who ever bought that didnt get a shitter too.

Thanks for the advice everyone, my mates here with me so he has read all your posts and appreciates it, he is kind of resigned to the fact he is gonna have to take a financal hit on this one, but looking on the bright side, if he rebuilds the engine he'll know its a good one hey, lol


New Member
gtirkelso said:
Yer he told my mate he did used to have a silver gtir, a sunny gti with a gtir engine, he sold it tho, so I hope who ever bought that didnt get a shitter too.l
my guess is the 'engineering' part of his company name comes from playing with lego as i didn't notice much evidence of any engineering skills on it :lol:
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