i lost my virginity!!!



last night around 12 midnight it happend..............
i blew my first gearbox :lol: and it was in style!! i still have third and reverse so limped home now its time to fix it :cry:


Staff member
jord369! said:
last night around 12 midnight it happend..............
i blew my first gearbox :lol: and it was in style!! i still have third and reverse so limped home now its time to fix it :cry:
After talking to you at mascrat i was waiting for something to happen...you'll have to get yourself into '**' to get that spec list you wanted :wink:


well some might say i abuse my r, id say i drive it like it was designed to be driven! :twisted: i came round a round about rather briskly and accellerated down this twisty little section popped it into 5th and .......bang!! oh dear my pants were a funny colour it was a very loud bang i thought id been shot!! :lol: :lol:


New Member
i suppose if you have the time, money and patience to fix it everytime it breaks then I dont see any problem with it

Drive it like you stole it! :twisted:


Well-Known Member
jord369! said:
well some might say i abuse my r, id say i drive it like it was designed to be driven! :twisted:
Keep it up matey, thats what they're there for :wink:

Most people are usually shocked when they see the way mine gets driven :twisted: I've been through 3 boxes now :lol:


well ive taken it off and half the engine!! i dont think im as bad as u guys goin through boxes an engines!!!!! :shock: :lol:


well done on popping your gearbox cherry.

I'm now on my second engine rebuild, 4th clutch and i've just bought my 3rd gearbox....went for a quaife this time.


New Member
Rav said:
i've been through 2 gear boxes and am on my 2nd turbo an 3rd engine. :D
good lad, i've gone though 2 boxes, 3 engine rebuilds, 4 turbo's and 2 front bumpers all on the same car :shock:


New Member
nice! i broke my first gearbox on 5th gear aswell, but there was no loud bang :roll:

im not even gonna waste the time and money on another one that isnt quaife, but atleast i still have 1,2,3,4 and reverse if i need to use in emergencys!


I done my first gearbox on Friday evening as well, a big bang & loads of oil on the floor and few cogs and bits of metal :cry:

Its not even my car :oops: Its an Almera 1.5s courtesy car :cry: from the company that is building my engine :shock:

OH FUKC :evil: