I can smell petrol slightly


New Member
Noticed it for a week or so now , probly cold boosting when I got the car didn't help , not sure were it's coming from as when im driving it feels like it's from vents but I was revving while parked up to see if it got stronger and it did behind the car so im guessing it's underside rear or exhaust having spare fuel in it so when she pops and bangs is when the fuel comes out and smells ,anyway what should I look for . I read also about checking the injectors for leaky seals and saw nothing when pulling throttle cable in engine bay and also it doesn't smell what so ever in the engine bay even after the revving test ,
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New Member
Edited top post so it makes a bit more sense Reading it

forgot to add the exhaust is full of black sutt could she just be over fueling or something
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New Member
so check the those pipes also going to check the plugs see what state there in,

anything else while im in the mood to look at it


Staff member
Could it be that, after all these years, the carbon canister isn't doing it's job any more?


New Member
Good though how do I check it

Also it seems strongest when I reverse does that make much difference
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New Member
PobodY- iv searched on here and some members remove the canister from the bay i understand its usually just for looks but would the fuel smell not be more intense if i was to remove it ,


New Member
have been out for a blast put some more petrol in as it was nearly on red (might have something to do with it also) and it never did it once and was giving it death once fully warmed up , so it is just when cold or warming up so dont get it, will check the rest of the ideas today see if i can find it once it has cooled down,
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Its a turbo engined car, its gonna smell more rich than a normal car. It is probably just slightly overfueling. Have you had it mapped? When you reverse your smelling the unburnt fuel from the exhaust. It pops and bangs cos of unburnt fuel. Is it an actual petrol smell or just a richer smell, if you get me? There is a difference from unburnt fuel and fresh petrol. Make sense???


Active Member
Doesnt the R normally overfuel on start up/warm up anyway? Thats why you have to have a fully warmed up engine when setting the timing, etc. :noidea:


New Member
Riske ur probly right , not sure if it's been mapped or not but don't no weather it's a petrol or unburnt fuel smell as though they was the same to be honest ,


New Member
i sometimes get this when i get in the car from cold when the engine hasnt been started. doesnt bother me. the inside of the exhaust will have black soot. check those 3 pipes that go into the petrol tank and if theyre ok and no other signs of petrol leaks under the car then your ok. i had a split pipe that went to the tank and the petrol smell was very strong