Hybrid Turbo....



Ok, when I got the GTIR (about a month ago)... the chap said it has a hybrid turbo. There is a receipt for a turbo in the history, but no actual details etc, etc.

Is there any way of actually easily telling what it is? Fire and Skill (sorry mate, don't know your name!), visited me at my work last week and had a look and said it does look different.

He said it's possibly the same but with 360 degree bearing (whatever that means).

So.... how do I know what it is? It defo says garret on the side.

Any ideas? Advice?


I dunno... lol.

Can just about see the word garret, but that's about it.

I suppose I really need to look at it from underneath?


Active Member
Jim_1979 said:
He said it's possibly the same but with 360 degree bearing (whatever that means).
When they hybridise a turbo, if it's from the older T series of Garretts, they'll just replace the 270 degree OE thrust bearing with a 360 degree version. I think this is to improve the longevity of the unit ?! They may also 'clip' the blades on the compressor or exhaust wheel, I forget which one, to create better response/spool up.
You'll struggle to see any of these modifications with the turbo on the car, and all the induction and exhaust system in place !


so no way to tell tbh what the turbo's capable of without getting it on the rollers and tuned with supporting mods etc?

Fast Guy

Staff member
youngsyp said:
They may also 'clip' the blades on the compressor or exhaust wheel, I forget which one, to create better response/spool up.
Exhaust side, I think it's a 4degree cut back.(or something like that)


If you have the receipt could you not just ring the company that sold it and they may have details?