How to rotate the compressor housing insitu


New Member
How easy/hard is it to rotate the turbo housing while it is still on the car?

Basically, if the turbo housing was rotated about 1cm then my FMIC pipes would fit!


Active Member
not hard to do mate just fiddly trying to get to the bolts which are close to the block easy if you have a ratchet spanner and obstruction ring spanners.
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New Member
I seem to have accumulated most tools possible i think while owning a Pulsar!

The hardest bolt I've had to do so far is the one that mounts the pipe to the turbo, but is obscured by a hard cooling pipe!

Is there anything to be aware of while rotating the housing (e.g. don't undo the bolts too much or the turbo falls to pieces)? I'm a worrier by nature!:)


Don't forget that if you rotate the housing that the actuator might not fit anymore, And you might need to make a new bracket for it, You may get luck if you don't have to move it much.
