how to get rid of my 110mph in 4th and 125mph 5th problem;_)


New Member
Hiya guys

my car cuts out above 100mph in 4th and 125mph in 5th it is deresitricted reads in mph and has uprated fuel pump and set up to a bar.

Realy anoying me how i cant go over 125mph have been told cutting blue wire wil cure this behind the speedow what is the blue wire for?

help me its driving me insane;-(

Thanks Paul.


New Member
Quickly edit your post and remove all reference to fcd, unless you can handle a good p1ss taking!! :wink: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Re: fcd if it exsists

doggydowg said:
have been told cutting blue wire wil cure this behind the speedow is this the fcd sumone help me its driving me insane
No thats not the fcd, possibly something to do with the de limiter :wink: Cant be sure though cos mine hasnt got a de limiter.

The fcd is an electronic device that some tuners sell for the Gti-R, it removes the fuel cut that the R never had in the first place :wink: :lol:


New Member
i have only owned a pulsar for just over a week and declare myself a big newbie in the pulsar scene so you guys can piss take all you want.

I have to learn sumwhere i have spent since 5 o clock studying old threads under search option fcd and delimiter looking for my answers.

i can rule a fcd out of the equation then;_)



Active Member
doggydowg said:
i have only owned a pulsar for just over a week and declare myself a big newbie in the pulsar scene so you guys can naughty take all you want.

I have to learn sumwhere i have spent since 5 o clock studying old threads under search option fcd and delimiter looking for my answers.

i can rule a fcd out of the equation then;_)

fcd on here is considered a bit fo a swear word :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
fcd on here is considered a bit fo a swear word :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yes, for some reason when i saw it mentioned today i managed to remain calm and write a sensible answer :shock:

Must be something wrong with me :?


New Member
ok thats cool

well now ive got ppls attention by saying that naughty word... Blue wire that coems out of speedo ive been told if i chop this this is like a cheep way of removing 112mph limiter despite the fact i have a delimiter and mph converter i am having major problems, these are i cant go over 110in 4th and 125in5th and my speedo dies above 120mph.

dont realy wana fork out for bits i dont need might try sticking the wireing back to std to see if it cuts at 110 in 4th and 5th which would make me feel allot happier, or i could just chop wire and see what happens, will this effect fueling?

Could the car be cutting out at 125mph for another more important reaosn other then to anoy the crap out of me? like detting i ahve uprated fuel pump and the car fuels fine at a bar and has been rolling roaded at this.

Thanks Paul.