How to blow up your engine in style!!!


Well-Known Member
leon2engines said:
oh no me the head's popped off!! is that the turbo you can see in the 2nd pic near the grill/headlight bit?
Its not the head thats come off, it ripped the block apart :shock:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
MarkTurbo said:
leon2engines said:
oh no me the head's popped off!! is that the turbo you can see in the 2nd pic near the grill/headlight bit?
Its not the head thats come off, it ripped the block apart :shock:
not surprising when you see how thin that side wall is :shock: :lol: makes a blown gearbox casing look kinda lame dont it :lol:


New Member
id be so cheesed off if one day i was ragging my shiney red tractor showing its power off, and that happened. :eek:

can you imagine being anywhere near that when it blew?!?!
screw sitting behind it :eek: :eek:


New Member
been reading about tractor pulling setups in my new book, theres one in there that runs 250psi inlet manifold pressure :shock:


looking at that las picture you can see the block has been ripped in half :shock:

wonder what boost it was running, lol

that is a phat turbo though, probably standard internals :D