how much is interior worth?


New Member
stripped mine out today so have no use for all the interior. is there a market for it and how much is it worth?

Fast Guy

Staff member
There's not really a market for them to be honest. You might get someone wanting front seats if they're in good condition, but I can't remember seeing many posts asking for them.


New Member
all the interior is in mint condition. would even give them away to clear some space.

found some rust inside on the rear arches aswell :( screw driver went straight through


New Member
Ahh rust, sounds a bit like my motor mate.. :-(

Which interior is it? Hollow headrests or solid? May be interested..


Staff member
Umbrella eh? They can generate quite a bit of money if they're in good condition... I'd make you an offer, but I think my wife would kill me for spending more money on the car when I'm still paying-off Christmas.


Staff member
I wanted to use the holder for something... if I could get my maglight to fit I'd be really happy with that. Unfortunately the head on it is too big.
A baseball bat is just asking for me to get sectioned, so that's a bad idea.

A kattana is pretty JDM isn't it? Maybe that's what I should put there; it's not a weapon, it's a tool! Would you believe that I'm a sushi chef officer? That's for making sashimi with...


Active Member
cant fit a baseball bat in there I tried thought would be handy, rounders bats are too fat and shotgun is too wide. tride it all lol


Staff member
The problem I'm going to have is getting a firearms license... they may not let me have one after the incident.


New Member

in good condition. if someone has any manual window winders i'll be interested in them, gunna junk my electric mindows.


New Member
I could be interested in this lot. Got my R back today and lets says the interior has seen better days!! Worse than what I thought it was!!

You have PM


Active Member
yer there ideal to have and surf the internet or something, I had a set of bmw leather seats for ages doing that lol