how much ignition advance


New Member
how much ignition advance can you run? i know it says to set it to 20deg btdc, but is there any leeway to run a bit more advance. check my timing on friday and it was well before the 20 deg mark, adjusted it to 20 degrees and it doesnt seem to pull as hard top end.


New Member
Could possibly be your crank pulley has started to separate? Mine has moved and the timing marks no longer match up.


New Member
trip - shell vpower

pulley seems fine, no obvious movement from it but i'll check it.

just seems to be higher in the revs where it isnt as quick.


if you run more than 20 degrees then theres a good chance of knock levels being detected by knock sensor which will trigger safe mode on ecu.
that could possibly be the reason why it feels slower at top end of range.

we had a car in once that was doing a similar thing but when we put a gun on it it was running 32 degrees so retarded the ignition and not a prob after that.


New Member
cheers bob, i'll try knock it back a bit. i just used a basic timing light to set it, will use the snap on 1 next week as that displays the value.


New Member
If you have datascan software, you can set it up to block ecu timing to 20deg while adjusting timing manually using gun


New Member
i havent got it, does that stop the ecu adjusting timing with revs? having to slip clutch to get revs under 1k


Active Member
Contact the seller (Peter) of this item.

He manufactures the consult connections and has the software.

He often sells on ebay, but I'm sure he would sell direct.



Staff member
I really like the like the ECUTalk, but had forgotten all about it. - I'm sure he will sell direct because I've seen the website with prices etc on it (unless he's binned that since I last thought about buying one and uses eBay instead now).


New Member
bit of a difference in price there!! auction says will post worldwide, think i'll be getting mine in auction.


Staff member
Yeah, it's a bit odd that he'd let it go so cheaply on eBay when the price on their website is so much higher...