how long should it take to warm up?


since owning this car it only takes about 2-3 mins to warm up is this normal?

also when i bought the car the owner said it had a quick warm up mod on it is this possible?

hope some one can help me



Active Member
Short of warming the oil before putting in the car I've not heard of a 'quick warm up mod'. My car normally takes about 5 miles conservative driving before the oil reaches 60 degrees. Bare in mind that the temp gauge in the main cluster is water temp, and despite that reaching temperature, your car still isn't ready for a thrashing as the oil takes considerably longer to heat up - it's the oil temperature that is most important.
ok thanks smo

its just im having a few problems with the car and i want them sorted if possible but the temperature gauge (not oil temperature gauge) goes up within mins is this normal?


New Member
If water temp raises quick thats a good sign. I remember having a Renault 5 which tool like 15min for the water to get hot. You want the heat to spread quickly.


Active Member
My water gauge starts to move after about 3 mins depending on the ambient temp outside.

Oil is about 5 mins min if its a hot day. Always like to get it rolling when warming her up though, get the box oils etc circulating nice


New Member
As above really, my water temp rises to halfway within about 3mins (quicker if moving) and oil about 10mins with a couple mins standing still to warm up. I never go inti boost unless I'm getting about 80 on the centre dials and I've done a few miles for gear oils to warm up (tend to leave it in low gears if around town)