How is it possible 1 Dump Valve dumps while another doesnt?



I seem to have a unique GTI-R.

Basically I have a SAAD BOV. I got it last week and could not make it hiss at all. There were a few teething problems but all is now sorted, everything is linked up correctly.

Anyhow I sent the BOV back to matty who very kindly adjusted the spring tension and bedded it in on an 200sx running 1 bar and his own GTI-R running the same boost pressure as me - 0.8 bar.

In the mean time while this was going on I had a cheapo baileys DV which hissed fine but being single piston didnt make the R run all that well.

Anyhow the BOV has been returned to me and I fit it all in like you should, took it out for a run and... no hiss


I dont understand how this can be. There are only 2 lines to connect and it's not as if you can connect them wrong. I am 100% positive they are correctly connected and secured with new hose clips, no leaks.

All I hear when I change gear is the fluttering of the air running back into the turbo and getting cut up ('wastegate chatter').

What else could possibly be wrong?

Would someone be kind enough to test my new BOV for me in another R to check it's not just me?



Active Member
i used to get this when i first got my car then i took the vaccuum line from somehere else
as the standard vaccum is used for a few things
i used the pipes just behind the rocker cover but this means taking the pipe off the back of the rocker cover ( which is why i originally did it)


Active Member
I'm no expert on the SARD bov's but, it sounds as though the spring is still too tight. I would undo it to the minimum adjustment and see if that makes a difference. Once you have done this and it does work, you can tighten it up to what you think is right. There won't be a 'default' setting for all due to numerous factors. All that will happen with the valve spring aset t the loosest adjustment is it will 'dump' at the smallest mention of boost.
Just to check the connections. You have the original bov vacumn pipe connectedto the vacumn connection on the top of the SARD ? And the original bov hose from the plenum/throttle bodies attached to the bottom (big) connection of the SARD ? It would be connected the same as the bailey valve so, it sounds correct.
I had a play with the spring tension on my SSQV the other day and all it did when I tightened it up was to dump at a higher boost level although, the difference was barely perceivable. I did get a big bang from the exhaust when passing a police station though :oops: :shock: :D
If this still doesn't work, send it to me and I will check it for you :wink: :D


New Member
when you sent be back the valve chris you hadnt adjusted the spring inside....(the little screw on top)

i testd it on my mates 200sx who has been running the SARD for 18months.....

he put it on his 200....within 2 gear changes it began to dump...

i fitted it to my dumped straight away....too...(and im only on standard boost 0.65

the valve works 100%

what i think is,

a) youve not adjusted it to your set up...(each gtir is slighty different)
b) youve not bunged the correct pipe
c) the spring is too tight

it WONT dump with you just reving it on your drive, it needs to be driven for a bit to ease teh spring in as i said..

i would take it to either a mate who can double check how youve installed it

b) take it to a garage

there must be on least. 5+ people running the SARD all have it running fine..


The correct pipe is bunged, it's impossible for the other DV to have worked on the recirc pipe. Turbo's dont pressurise the airfeed
The spring I have now wound almost compleatly out and it's still not dumping.

Just to check the connections. You have the original bov vacumn pipe connectedto the vacumn connection on the top of the SARD ? And the original bov hose from the plenum/throttle bodies attached to the bottom (big) connection of the SARD ? It would be connected the same as the bailey valve so, it sounds correct.
Yep, using the same pipes as I took off the recirc DV

I can only assume there is something wrong with my vacumn feed, although this doesnt explain how my other DV worked just fine. The other DV dumps at 3200rpm or so btw which is when it moves to positive boost pressure.

This is on the move, on the roads or on the motorway.

Could you tell me more about where you got an alternative vacumn feed from ashills and I will try that?




New Member
sounds liek ur vac feed


you knocked a few pipes out didnt you when fitting and had a prob with unlimited boost

any prbs after that post it to youngsyP for a second opinion he lives round the corner form me so we can have a look


but he will confirm its not the valve :)


Active Member
My bailey dumpvalve is weird, i am only running 0.5 bar boost due to running in and the dump valve chirps louder than ever. I though th emore boost the louder it became.

gtir drew

im running a sard fine but it took some tweeking to get it right.

if you live near grantham notts area i could look at it for u!


Nah I didnt knock any pipes out, I just tried to connect a spare oil breather pipe or something lol
That's all solved

Here are 4 pics of the install

This is of the DV from passenger side of engine bay looking down

This is the recirc pipe, bunged - u can see it going back to the thick pipe of the airfeed

A pic of the thick pipe running up to the throttle body bit

Final (blurred) pic of vacumn line attached. I have to hold it with one hand cos that thick pipe is pretty stiff. I have highlighted what I believe to be the screw to adjust the spring with an arrow. Let me know if i'm wrong and ill adjust the real one :)
If correct though i've had that screw almost right out and nothing has happened.




New Member
just a quck question is that jubillee clip in the last pic acutally OVER the pipe or do you have it on the neck of the bov...looks liek its not over teh bov...

looks thou its caped fine on the re-circ

cant see what you mean by highlighted...its the little worm thread on the top of the sard

as stated by someoen they are the type of bov that need to be "tweaked"

how many miles have you taken it for a spin for? :oops:


Active Member
From what you have said, everything sounds good. First thing to try is the adjustment bolt. This is on top of the valve, couldn't see it highlighted on you pictures. Undo it to it's to it's maximum to create minimum tension on the diaphram spring. Check if it works.

If not, take the vacumn hose off the BOV and blank it off. Find another similar sized vacumn hose, the one to the fuel pressure regulator will be good and T into it. If possible don't cut the original hose that goes to the reg just connect it to a T and cut up some old hose to complete the job. It would be best to do this with the intercooler off as access is easier and you can make sure all the hose connections are correct when you put it back. Now see if this works.

One other thing, does the SARD BOV come with a vacumn line filter ? If it does, these are prone to failure. Take it out and give it a go ! You could also take the vacumn hose off, block one end, immerse the rest in a weak fairy liquid/water mix and blow down the open end to check for leaks. Don't get any in the hose though.

Try these, if none of them work let us know and we'll go back to the drawing board.


Sorry lads, I forgot to post the last pic :oops:

I'll do all you suggest at the weekend.
