How hot does your R get in hot weather?



As it says really. The short version is, I've noticed when I've been pushing the R lately it gets very hot (up to the little line before the thick 1 at the hot end on the temp gauge). Even when driving normally it seems to get hot but as I've never driven an R in summer before I don't know what is normal.

Also, should it still boost to 0.65 bar when its hot or not. I know I'll get heat soak and it'll feel slower but when its just 'warm' it boosts fine but when it gets 'hot' it only seems to boost to 0.55-0.6 bar :?


KrissJ :D


Active Member
If we're talking about oil, mine never goes above the second thin line on the left hand side of the guage (think its 90 degrees).

If your talking about water temp mine never goes past halfway.

have you checked your fluid levels (daft question I know)



Oil never past the 2nd line :shock: On a hard run mine gets to the 1/2 way point (the thick line in the middle) but I thought this was normal if you were pushing it.

I was talking about the water though. Is that never past 1/2 way when driving normally or when driving hard as my fans don't even come in til about 2/3-3/4 of the way up :?

I said short story cos I've just had some work done to it. Yes the fluid have been checked and changed, I've had the head pressure tested twice, new head gasket and all other engine gaskets, new turbo housing and something else in the turbo that I can't remember.

It seems to hesitate and smoke on gear changes too when its hot but it can't be the turbo cos the mechanic that did the work is a turbo specialist so has sorted everything on it.

I just need help as its really getting me down and I can't afford another big bill! :(


Active Member
Yeah my oil never gets past the second line, but I wouldn't worry about that too much, as I would say the heavy centre lines probably there as an indicator.

Water never really goes above half ever no.

These are hard runs, and stationary in traffic - I sat on the M1 for about 3 hours the other day in stop/start traffic.

Couldn't tell you what it may be though, stumped on that one.



Thanks for the replies, at least I know its not just the weather now.

O dear. Please can someone try and shed some light on as to what it might be?

It's booked into the local nissan dealer next week for a couple of parts and they're gonna check the probs out for me but if someone could make some suggestions it'd be appreciated.


take the thermostat out mate and see what happens then :wink:


Well-Known Member
KrissJ said:
Oil never past the 2nd line :shock: On a hard run mine gets to the 1/2 way point (the thick line in the middle) but I thought this was normal if you were pushing it.
How much of a hard run :?: I've had the oil temp on mine 1 notch past the halfway mark on the gauge (120 c) a couple times :shock: But that was during a 15 min track session.

KrissJ said:
I was talking about the water though. Is that never past 1/2 way when driving normally or when driving hard as my fans don't even come in til about 2/3-3/4 of the way up :?
Even when driving it hard my water temp never gets above 1/2 way on the gauge. My fans always cut in at about 1/2 way too :wink: Maybe you've got a dodgy fan switch or the thermostat is only opening partially.

As for the boost, if the car is getting hot it could be the det sensor cutting in which cuts the boost to 0.5 bar :wink:


try the thermostat, also could it be a dodgy water ump/water temp sensor, the temp sensor sounds the best bet as the fans arent kicking in till very late, jeff

Fast Guy

Staff member
You might see less boost on a hot day in the same way you can see a little more boost on a cold day.

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
mine sits at about 90 when im in a 30-50 but if i cruise along at 70-80 it reads about 95-98 as it did all the way back from jae. i thought that was normal :?


In this weather my oil gets up to 110 in a hard run, i cant see how others only stay at 90 all the time, have you got oil coolers?
Or is this normal i just cant see how a turbo car in 25 degrees heat (the weather lately) :shock: will run at 90 degrees all the time!
As for the water temp that stays at half way this has been the same since id owned it, but that is the normal running temp for a pulsar any thing higher on the temp gauge id get it looked at.


Active Member
In this weather my oil gets up to 110 in a hard run, i cant see how others only stay at 90 all the time, have you got oil coolers?
Or is this normal i just cant see how a turbo car in 25 degrees heat (the weather lately) :shock: will run at 90 degrees all the time!
As for the water temp that stays at half way this has been the same since id owned it, but that is the normal running temp for a pulsar any thing higher on the temp gauge id get it looked at.
Nope no oil cooler, strange one I suppose - but I'm not complaining :lol:

The hottest I've ever seen my car is bob on indicated 90 degrees. Suppose hypothetically there could be a problem with the readout, but given the cars been like this for the last 4 years I'd say thats unlikely.



Active Member
I wouldn't worry about your oil temp going up to 100 + degrees in the summer on a blat. If you have good oil in there and change it regularly it won't be a problem and is quite normal. On my old Golf 16v that used to run normally at 100-110 and on a blat anything up to 130 ish. That was on semi synth oil !

The highest mine has ever run on Mobil 1 15w50 is about 100 degrees. I have Motul 15w50 in there now so, will see what that is like in the hot weather. As for water temps, mine has never moved from about 1/3 on the scale, no matter what the weather or driving is like. Just keep an eye on things and check your fluids regularly.

Just to add, if you have a problem with the water cooling system, this will directly effect your oil temp as the cars standard oil cooler is water cooled. You may want to check your coolant for air locks etc.. You could try Water Wetter if everything else seems ok :wink:



my oil temperature sits at 90 aswell. It went to 95 once after some hard long driving but thats as far as it's ever gone.

As for water temperature, there is a little mark indicating how far it should go up and the needle sits exactly there (around 1/3 of the way up). This doesnt move no matter how hard a drive.


Thanks for all the replies!!! :D

The fan switch and thermostat were changed when it was in for the head gasket etc so he could've put a higher temp 1 in so I could get that changed. As for removing the thermostat, that's exactly what 1 of the mechanics said at the nissan dealer so maybe that could be an answer. I just didn't wanna take it off and then everything look dandy if in fact there was something more sinister going on that could potentially ruin my engine.

I've been changing the oil every 3k miles since I've had the car (8 months now) with 10w60 castrol RS. If the oil cooler is water cooled then that'll explain why it gets hot quickly now. Can't figure out why the water should get so hot, so quickly though :?

My hard run would probably be close to the equivelant of a good track run, or a hearty burn like you see by these guys on their big bikes :wink:

Thanks again, these are all things I can use and will tell the nissan spot about when it goes in next week. Easy driving till then me thinks :oops:


Congratulations! :p

I've only just passed 300 n I joined 1 yr and 1 day before you... Interesting :roll:

Anyway. Was wondering if anyone could possibly shed some light on the smoke that's been coming out?

It does it on every gear change when its hot. It looks like a light grey colour (but then I've never seen 'blue' smoke so wouldn't know what it looks like). My initial thoughts would be turbo probs but as I've said, its got a brand new housing on, something else brand new and its been taken apart and rebuilt so I KNOW its nothing to do with the turbo :? :?

Is it likely to be related to any of the other problems?


Does ur water temp go past half way while driving, or just in traffic?

Mine sits just under half way, never seen it move (apart from start, before any comments are made! 8) )